472nd MP Co. Pictures Page 11


Three more pictures from that indomitable supplier of photographic memories Mike Russo. This first one is of SSG Wallace Shuler. Information I received is that he was a Platoon Sgt and a Desk Sgt. He was cited as a hero, along with a Ray Halderman (Ray-J) from California, for pulling three year old Joakim (Joaquim?) Cartagena out of the freezing Chena River around Thanksgiving of 1969 when the mother's car went off a bridge. Ray-J was presented with the Soldier's Medal from COL Ost for his bravery.. This is probably an upstairs office at the PMO. Any guesses, anyone?


Now this picture, taken in Dec of 1967 (guess how I figured that out!) is of myself on the right and the tall MP is, I believe, Fred Tompkins, also known as MP Boots due to the exceptional gloss he put on his jump boots when he arrived at the 472nd as a rookie.


Here's the famous SSG William I. Snodgrass, originally of Ontario, OR. It appears to be a wee bit of a celebration. Maybe this was when he got his E-6 stripe??


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