MP Pictures Page 5


This is the view from the front porch of our barracks, Bldg 1004. This scenic view was always a source of relief from looking at the more militaristic aspects of an Army post. The building in the picture served as our motor pool on the ground floor and on the top was the commo shack, presided over, at that time, by SGT Bert Micklon of Bangor, Maine and other times by Private Micklon. Bert, according to my informant, was famous for many things but mostly for his fist fight with CPT K.  Also working commo was Frant Kotzur.


Looking out the window from my cube in the bay, this was the normal winter scene. This is the kitchen area of our mess hall and the humid air vented out of the kitchen would create this wall of ice. It may not look too cold in this picture, but it was probably about a bazillion degrees below zero Fahrenheit. Certainly felt that way at times!


Amazingly, in the summertime, it actually got comfortable in Ft. Wainwright. This is a picture of the Main Gate, known as Post One. I think the MP on the left is Mike Russo, but am not sure. It might be Lennis Mercier.


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