
What can I say? Does anyone have anything good to say about politicians in general? I know, there are some out there who are trying to do their best for their constituents, but they are few and far between. It is in the main, a self-serving group who proclaim themselves servants of the people and then, by their actions, let us know that they firmly believe the people are their servants.. They take constant opportunity to benefit themselves first and foremost. The level of ethics is at an all time low.

Of course, much of it is our own fault. We do such things as re-elect a mayor who has been convicted of felony use of drugs and then act surprised that kids do not get the message that drugs are bad and that if you use them you will not be able to succeed in the world! Of course, then we get all prim and proper and railroad some poor lieutenant out of the Air Force just because she had sex with someone to whom she was not married. Think about the money we spent training her to fly and then we throw it away because of something she did which does not in anyway hamper her ability to take a plane up and drop a bomb where instructed to do so.

I personally believe that unless there is overwhelming reason not to do so, we should always vote against the incumbent. Make them earn the right to stay in office! And in addition, I believe that they should not be able to raise their own wages and benefits. This should be done only though a general vote of their constituency and should NEVER exceed the cost of living percentage allowed the average person.

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