Professional Sports

Although I will admit that these super athletes can perform physical maneuvers I can't even dream of duplicating, I fail to see why that warrants an income in the multi-millions. After all, if someone practiced ten hours a day, seven days a week, for years, I assume that person could put a tiddlywink into a cup from quite a far distance at a rate far above what I could do. So what? Would we offer that person millions? Would we buy Nike gloves just because that person wore one? The point is; what is the relevance of their ability to shoot a basket, hit a ball, etc., to reality? The world is neither a better nor a worse place just because the ball went through the net more times for one team than for another. Now a manufacturer produces products that can make life more comfortable, doctors can cure diseases, scientists can produce new technology. This affects me personally; sports does not. (However, I do see a benefit to playing sports as opposed to simply watching them.)

Also, why do these athletes believe that the normal morals and ethics by which the rest of us live do not apply to them? We, the public, so avidly worship these people and recompense them so greatly, that they quite naturally come to believe that they are above we common people and that they can do as they wish. We need to suspend a person from sports if they violate the rules. And let the suspension be effective for an extended period of time.

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