Natural Holistic Handouts
Find a trained Holistic Vet
RAW CATS LIST - Feline Diet & Holistic Cat Care
~ You will learn Dietary Guidelines, Recipes, Natural Rearing, Cat Behaviour and Health Care from your hostess who has over 30 years experience in the holistic husbandry and animal healing field
Pet Sage
Shirley's Wellness Cafe ~ Holistic Health Care for People
and animals - a Superb site, but a little difficult to navigate
About Vaccinations
More About Vaccinations
Still More About Vaccinations
RAW CATS LIST - Feline Diet & Holistic Cat Care~ You will learn Dietary Guidelines, Recipes, Natural Rearing, Cat Behaviour and Health Care from your hostess who has over 30 years experience in this field
Holistic Care and Natural Rearing Book List Holistic and Natural Rearing Recommended Reading!
USDA Data Base - search foods for Nutrient Content
Measurement Converter (java)
Dr. Tom Longsdales -Raw Meaty Bones Page
The Ultimate Diet - Kymythy R. Schultze, A.H.I.
Cooked Recipes
What's In Dog Food?
Polluted Pet Food
RAW CATS LIST - Feline Diet & Holistic Cat Care
~ You will learn Dietary Guidelines, Recipes, Natural Rearing, Cat Behaviour and Health Care from your hostess who has over 30 years experience in this field
Raw Feline Diet and Cat Care~ cat recipes and cat Behavior
How To Toilet Train Your Cat
House Rabbit SocietyHome page and Care Guide
Companion RabbitFAQ and Care Guide
Hoppin' Rabbit Page
BirdNet Ornithological Information Source
Lexicon of Parrots
Pet Bird Report ~ Articles on diet, training and first aid
The Bird Click Training Pages
Parrot Care and First Aid
~ Gillian Willis is a pharmacist
and toxicologist. She is considered an "expert" in matters of poisoning and toxic substances by those of us who participate in bird related mailing
Avian & Felines are very sensitive to these toxins, chemicals and compounds!
Winged Wisdom
Life, The Universe and Everything
- a Really Awesome site-
birds, mammals, fish, amphibs, astronomy, minerals, plants,
herpetology, paleontology, geography, literary, philosophy, history - you
name it!
Ferret Owners Manual
Iguana Care and Socialization
Hedgehog Hollow
Sure your home and pet's toys are safe for your Fids
USA home page ~ lots of info on lead, toxins
and engineering of plant genetics.
NIOSH- pocket guide to chemical hazards
Toxicity of Plants~ Cornell University
Toxicity of Plants and safety ~ Wellness Centre
Aromatic and Medicinal Plant Index ~Herb Med
A Modern Herbal
~published in 1931, by Mrs. M. Grieve, contains Medicinal, Culinary, Cosmetic and Economic Properties, Cultivation and Folk-Lore of Herbs.
Culpepper's Complete Herbal Index
Aromatic and Medicinal Plant Index ~ Purdue University
Botonica by Michael Moore ~ Images by Common name