The Fox Clan

  The Fox Clan
House Rules by Mario and Pete. (Vist the Fox Clan Homepage!)

Chingo Family

The descendants of the original Shinjo, the Silver Foxes are the ruling family of the Fox Clan.
Benefit: +1 Awareness

Kitsune Family

Masters of the forest, the Red Foxes are hunters extrordinaire.
Benefit: +1 Reflexes.

Kitsune Bushi School

Benefit: +1 Perception
Beginning Honor: 2, plus 5 boxes
Skills: Archery, Herbalism, Hunting, Kenjutsu, Jiujutsu, any 1 High or Bugei skill
Outfit: (All average) Kimono, Travelling Pack, Daisho, Bow, 30 Arrows, Light Armor, 10 Silvers


Rank 1: Way of the Fox - The Niten method taught by the school adds 5 to the TN number to hit a Fox bushi.

Rank 2: Eyes of the Fox - The Kitsune teach their students to know the enemy and his strengths. The bushi may add his Perception to his attack roll and his Intelligence to his damage roll.

Rank 3: Speed of the Fox - The Fox practitioner may make 2 attacks per round. However, each time the bushi attacks, roll a D10. If a 1 is rolled, the attack misses. If a 10 is rolled, the standard attack is replaced by 2 jiujitsu attacks instead.

Rank 4: Cunning Are Our Ancestors - Drawing on the blood of the True Kitsune, the bushi may replace an attack with a taunt. The may be verbal, but is often physical as well. This is an Agility + (weapon skill) versus the opponent's willpower. A success means the opponent must make Full Attacks against the Fox for the remainder of the combat (with an additional +10 to TN to hit). If the Fox fails, he may not taunt his opponent again that day. A tie has no result.

Rank 5: Know Your Enemy - The Fox must understand his foe. For each round he faces a particular oppenent, he adds one die to all hit and damage rolls. If his die pool exceeds ten, then he begins adding the extra die to his keep pool. If a Fox bushi has already faced a particular opponent, then he begins adding two die per round. If the bushi has faced at least 10 samurai of equal or greater rank from the same school, he begins with an extra die in his pool.

Chingo Shugenja School

Benefit: +1 Perception
Beginning Honor: 2, plus 5 boxes
Beginning Skills: Calligraphy, History, Hunting, Medicine/Herbalism, Meditation, and any 1 High or Bugei skill
Beginning Spells: Sense, Commune, Summon, 2 Water, 2 Air, 1 of any element
Free raise on any healing spell or a spell that tricks, befuddles, or confuses another
Outfit: (All Average) Kimono, Travelling Pack, Scroll Satchel, Wakizashi or Bokken, Tanto, 2 Koku

New Skill: The Fox Clan has a long history of natural medicines and healing. Thus, their Herbalism counts as Medicine and their Medicine counts as Herbalism, making the two virtually the same skill.

  The Fox Clan, Version II
House Rules by Scott Gearin
Check out Scott's detailed History of the Fox Clan.

Kitsune Family

Benefit: +1 Intelligence

Shika Family

Benefit: +1 Awareness

Kitsune Shugenja School

Benefit: +1 Perception
Beginning Honor: 1, plus 5 boxes
Skills: Calligraphy, Herbalism, Hunting, Meditation, Yarijutsu, any two High or Bugei skills
Beginning Spells: Commune, Sense, Summon, 3 Water, 2 Air, and 1 Earth

Techniques (so to speak)

Rank 1: Lore of the Wood - At this rank the Fox is considered rank 1 for casting spells.

Rank 2: The Way of the Fox - The Fox teaches reckless bravado, but when it succeeds, it succeeds handsomely. On any roll that has a TN of at least 30, the shugenja gains a Free Raise. This Raise is for additional effect and may not be used to reduce the TN.

Rank 3: Leaves on the Wind - At this rank the shugenja is considered rank 2 for the purpose of casting spells.

Rank 4: Fortunes of the Fox - Whenever the shugenja spends a Void point, he also adds his honor to the result.

Rank 5: Roots in the Earth - At this rank the shugenja has achieved sufficient mastery to be considered rank 3 for the purpose of casting spells.

Outfit: Shugenja - (All items are of Average quality) Kimono, Yari, Wakizashi, Scroll Satchel, Travelling Pack, Kimono, 2 koku.

Compiler's Note: I am not responsible for the content of these submissions unless it specifically says they were written by myself. Thoughts on specific clans should be directed to the authors of that work. That's why the email links are there. I'm sure they'd all appreciate an opportunity to discuss it with you.

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