Rank 1: Way of the Hare - From the beginning, Hare bushi are taught
how to fight with spontaneous action. A hare bushi may add his Void to all Initiative, attack, and
damage rolls. They are also taught the dynamic style of Hare combat. The TN for any maneuver
involving a great leap is reduced by 10.
Rank 2: Act from the Void - The Hare bushi learns that all action is derived from the Void.
The bushi may now spend up to his maximum Void points on a single action.
Rank 3: Swiftness of the Hare - The bushi may now make 2 attacks per round.
Rank 4: Retreat to the Burrow - The bushi now learns the Hare's Burrow. The TN to hit the
bushi is +10 when in Full Defense.
Rank 5: Luck of the Hare - The Hare favors those who act with honor. The bushi may make a
number of re-rolls per day equal to his honor.
Outfit: As Lion Clan
The Hare Clan, Version II House Rules by
Scott Gearin Check out Scott's detailed History
of the Hare Clan.
Rank 1: The Leap of the Hare - The bushi has studied his guide closely. The TN for any action
involving a leap is reduced by 10.
Rank 2: Outracing the Oni - The immense speed of the Hare is revealed. Add the bushi's Honor
rank to his Initiative rolls and any rolls involving Reflexes.
Rank 3: Stand by the River - The Hare's stand against the Oni inspires the bushi. Spend two Void
points to roll extra dice to hit (but not to damage) an opponent equal to the opponent's Shadowlands
rank for the rest of the fight. This may be done only once per opponent per fight.
Rank 4: The Jade Elixer - The Usagi guard the secret of using jade in herbalism. Using a single
piece of jade (1 koku worth), the bushi may reduce the TN of any Herbalism roll by 15 and double the
rate of recovery of a patient under thier care.
Rank 5: The Emperor's Blessing - The bushi may never recieve Shadowlands points except by his
own action. Being in the Shadowlands or being targetted by Maho offers no threat of corruption. Using
the taint to roll extra dice for his traits would cause an increase in rank as ususal.
Outfit: Bushi - (all items considered to be of Average quality) Katana, Wakizashi, 2 pieces of Jade,
Travelling Pack, Kimono, Formal Robes, any 2 weapons, and 2 koku.
Compiler's Note: I am not responsible for the content of these submissions unless it
specifically says they were written by myself. Thoughts on specific clans should be directed to the
authors of that work. That's why the email links are there. I'm sure they'd all appreciate an
opportunity to discuss it with you.