The Mantis Clan
The official Mantis Clan rules may be found in the adventure module Code of Bushido,
available from AEG
| The Mantis Clan
House Rules by Jubei
| |
The Yoritomo Family
Benefit: +1 Agility
The Mantis Clan Bushi School
Benfit: +1 Strength
Beginning Honor: 1, plus 5 boxes
Skills: Craft (seamanship), Defense, Etiquette, Iaijutsu, Kenjutsu, Juijutsu, and any one High or Bugei
Rank 1: The Way of the Mantis - At this time the bushi learns the influence of
water when it comes to combat. The bushi may add his Water Ring to all hit and damage rolls.
Rank 2: Dance of Death - The bushi learns to use two weapons and their proper stances. When
fighting the bushi appears to be dancing. Raise the TN to hit the bushi by 5.
Rank 3: Crash of the Waves - At this rank the bushi is taught to use speed as his ally, for after
all, do the waves strike but once? The bushi may make two attacks per round.
Rank 4: Strike of the Mantis - The bushi learns that neither the sword nor the weilder is truely
in control if they are in harmony. When in harmony, true mastery is achieved. The bushi gains a 1k1
bonus to all damage rolls.
Rank 5: To Catch Your Prey - The bushi learns that he who strikes first lives a long life and is
well fed. It is the law of nature. An opposed Reflexes roll is made before Inititive is rolled between
the Mantis and his opponent. If the Mantis wins, he may strike first regardless of Initiative. If not,
Initiative is rolled normally.
Beginning Outfit: Katana, Wakizashi (both Fine Quality), Kimono, Light Armor, any one weapon (all average
quality), 6 koku.
Mantis Shugenja School
Benefit: +1 Perception
Beginning Honor: 2
Skills: Athletics, Calligraphy, Craft (seamanship), Etiquette, Kenjutsu, Law, Shugenja Lore
Beginning Spells: Commune, Sense, Summon, 3 Water, 2 Air and 1 Fire.
Beginning Outfit: Wakizashi (Fine Quality), Kimono, Scroll Satchel, 6 Blank Scrolls, Quill and Ink (all
average quality), 4 koku.
Mantis Clan Personalities
Mantis clan personalities have no family name. They use only their given names.
Benefit: +1 Agility
May take Way of the Land Advantage for 1 point.
Mantis Clan Bushi School
Benefit: +1 Reflexes
Beginning Honor: 1, plus 5 boxes
Beginning Skills:
Archery, Commerce, Defense, Iaijutsu, Kama, Kenjutsu, Seamanship
Rank 1: Arms of the Mantis - Mantis bushi are first trained in
the use of the Kama. When using the paired Kama, the TN to hit them is raised by 5. Also, the bushi may
use his Iaijutsu skill with his Kama as opposed to his katana.
Rank 2: Speed of the Wind - The bushi is trained to give his strikes the flowing speed of the wind.
The bushi may now make two attacks per round.
Rank 3: Marriage of Steel - At this point the bushi has learned that his weapons are an extention of
himself. For each attack made, the bushi may make a free damage raise. This can be used with any weapon.
Rank 4: All Are Born, All Will Die - The Mantis school teaches that all men are men. With
the full understanding of this truth comes wisdom. Any attacks targeting the bushi must make a Raise for
which no benefits are recieved. This includes Spells, Skills, or Attacks.
Rank 5: The Hurricane's Fury - By this rank, the Mantis has learned to truely strike like the wind
when the wind is at its fiercest. The bushi may make three attacks per round.
Beginning Outfit: (All are considered fine quality) Katana, Wakizashi, 2 Kama (3k2), Bow, 20 arrows of any
type, light or heavy armor, helm, travelling pack, kimono, any 1 weapon, and 10 koku.
New Skills
Kama (Agility) - The skill for use with the paired Kama.
Seamanship (Varies)
- This skill covers the operation of sailing vessels, navigation at sea, and the ability to swim. It is
considered a low skill. When navigating, roll Awareness+Seamanship. Attempting to fix rigging during a
heavy storm would be Agility+Seamanship.
| The Mantis Clan, Version III
House Rules by Scott Gearin
Check out Scott's detailed History of the Mantis Clan.
Manitsu FamilyBenefit: +1 Strength
Manitsu Bushi SchoolBenfit: +1 Agility
Penalty: -1 Glory
2, plus 5 boxes
Skills: Battle, Commerce, Craft: Sailing, Defense, Kamajutsu, Kenjutsu, any one high
or bugei skill
Rank 1: The Way of the Mantis - The Mantis is patient, but attacks with ferocity. For each round
that the bushi has declared a Full Defense before attacking, he may roll an additional die (up to his
School Rank) to hit and damage.
Rank 2: The Mantis Gaze - A Mantis bushi is very hard to read or predict. All Awareness rolls
that target him are at +10 to the TN.
Rank 3: Praying Stance - The bushi has learned the dreaded Praying Stance. If weilding a weapon
in each hand, the bushi rolls initiative seperately for each and may perform an attack with each.
Rank 4: Tactics of Patience - At this level the bushi has learned the unconventional tactics of
the Mantis. He may declare to what degree he is engaged in a battle after the advantage has been
determined and he has rolled for result. If he is commanding the battle, all characters on his side
may choose their level of engagement after advantage is determined.
Rank 5: Son of Storms - The bushi has learned the flowing strikes of the Praying Stance. Each
round he recieves Free Raises to distribute between his two weapon attacks equal to his Water Ring. If
he has only one weapon he recieves only one Free Raise.
Outfit: Bushi - Basic Outfit
Compiler's Note: I am not responsible for the content of these submissions unless it
specifically says they were written by myself. Thoughts on specific clans should be directed to the
authors of that work. That's why the email links are there. I'm sure they'd all appreciate an
opportunity to discuss it with you.