More Secretive
Than the Kolat...

Deadlier Than
the Ninja...

There exists a society of men who have banded together for the advancement of common goals and interests. These men rally under the symbol of the kyoudai, the symbol of Brotherhood. The Kyoudai contains both an inner and outer circle. An individual may only be accepted into the Kyoudai if selected by a member of the Inner Circle, the five original Kyoudai who bear the tattoo of the kanji upon their body.

One of the activities that the Kyoudai participate in is the promotion of the Legend of the Five Rings role-playing game. During the numerous games conducted by the Inner Circle, some House Rules have sprung up. Here they are, should anyone be interested.

Polearms and Skill Use

The official rule issued from John Wick himself is that the use of polearms falls under the use of the skill yarijutsu. Seems to me that a single skill covering the use of nine, count 'em nine seperate weapons makes it too easy to max out a player's combat pool. The alternative method used in official Kyoudai games is that polearms may be grouped for use by the two following skills:

Yarijutsu - Covers the use of the Nage-yari, Nagamaki, Naginata, Sasumata, Sodegarami, and Yari.

Tetsubo - Covers the use of the Die-tsuchi, Ono, and Tetsubo.

Additionally, when using one of the two above skills with a weapon other than the one for which it is specifically intended (i.e., using yarijutsu for anything but the yari or tetsubo for anything but the tetsubo), the user is limited to a number of Raises equal to their Void minus 1. When using a weapon with the skill for that weapon (i.e., Tetsubo for a tetsubo or Naginata for a naginata), then the weilder may make up to their full number of Raises.

Further house rules will be added as the need for them arises

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