Goal The goal of my project was to build different interactive applets. Though it started out quite ambitious, I decided that due to time constraints I would keep the project very simple.
Procedure The first interactive programs are simple quizes on basic vocabulary. I decided to use a phonetic romaji quiz. The computer language that I decided to use was java script due to its simplicity. The algorithm is very simple:
Here are the vocabulary quizes
The next program is a little bit more complicated. The same quiz format is still incorparated however by adding only the bases of certain verbs the computer will add the stems thus checking the users ability to conjugate the verbs. Unfortunately I have not yet been able to populate this with a lot of data so please see my sample program.
Conclusion Internet language learning utilities are highly desired though not quite so abundant. This type of quiz format is a useful though not quite so entertaining method of learning. It also has the disadvantage of being only phonetic and not really helping with reading skills.