Hello, My name is Giovanna Angel. When you get to know me better, you may find out the rest of my name. I am 31 years old, born on August 1, 1968, the same day as my dear sister Twinnie. I have one brother and two other sisters. My ethnicity is Italian, but I live in Holland, where the beautiful tulips grow.

I have had varied jobs thru the years; I have worked as a nanny, and have been an Office Manager. I speak five languages, along with rubbish, which is beneficial in job situations and meeting people online.

Usually I am a quiet person, but I love to laugh, so I invite you into #Kahnnie to get acquainted and tell me jokes.

I would like to dedicate this page to my mother Kahnnie, who is an inspiration to me, and also the biggest nag on the net.

� 2000, These pages were made and created by everyone at #Kahnnie..Please DO NOT take anything off the pages without permission Thank You Very Much!