Hi , my name is JerseyGirl ....

I'm 43 years old , I have 5 children Jennifer 26 , Francis 25 , AJ 24 , Benjamin 23 and Johnny 6 years old .

Last year my husband and I decided to buy a computer for Johnny. One dayI thought I would sit down and see what the chat rooms are all about and that was it ...that is when I was fortunate enough to meet Kahnnie and Steelmom, two of the best people you could ever meet ..we quickly became friends and Johnny quickly lost his computer to mommy.

I love chatting on the computer and meeting new people . When I'm not chatting , I enjoy cooking , gardening .

I am very much looking foward to meeting everyone in June.

If there's any more you want to know about me ...

Stop in #Kahnnie and ask me !!


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