Kahnnie 2000

Hello to anyone and everyone who has dropped into our page...it's named after me...but it is OUR room.....

You are wondering ..what in the sam hill is a Kahnnie? Well it's pronounced CONNIE..and it's a made up name.. Somewhat reminescent of Shere Kahn. We all KNOW there are perverts and con arts online just waiting to FIND us and stalk us, so of COURSE I did not give out my real name when I started online chatting. After you get to know me for awhile... I'll probably tell you...and I WILL tell you my birthday is Dec 18 and my e-mail is [email protected] and you may send me cards and flowers and such ANY time!!!

Now to real life. I'm 46 in this year of 2000 until my birthday rolls around. I have been a stay @ home mom since my children have been born...I am qualified for secretarial work but do day care in my own home for about 10 years. I was born in Corvallis OR and am happy to still be living in Oregon.

I have been married 21 years to my husband Steve. He doesn't chat so I can say his real name. He is 9 months younger than me which makes it convenient when I want to boss him around. He owns his own civil engineering business and loves to coach just about any sport.

Our oldest son is Adam. He is 19 until Sept and is currently working for his dad as an Engineering Technician. He became engaged on Jan 8 2000 and we are tickled pink to be adding Noelle to our family. (tickled green actually since that is my favorite color)

They will be married April 1, 2000!..wedding update and pics will follow then.

Son #2 is Cody!...MR Buff we call him. He loves to work out, and participates in track and field in the spring, and Future Business Leaders of America all year. In 1999 he got to go to Chicago for a National competition. He is a Junior. He will graduate with the class or 2001.
And he is very GOOD LOOKING!!!!!<--added by cody

Danika is our princess..and plays nearly every sport there is available..and is great at them all. She plays soccer, basketball, volleyball and is an awesome pitcher for softball. She is an 8th grader this year?so in the fall will be starting that big journey into high school!!!

This the story of my "other child"��� ~~~~~Giovanna~~~~~

The net is an interesting phonemena. Many people are skeptical of the uses and the relationships... but i am a firm believer in being able to make new friends and having strong relationships. An example of this... is having met Giobaby/Brighten in 1998. Almost instantly a bond sprung up upon meeting her.. and i have now adopted her as my daughter. More amazingly.. is that she lives in Holland.. and yet came to visit me in the summer of 1998......here are some pictures of her and me together and separately. She is a wonderful person. .and in getting to know one other.. we have had ups and downs.. which to me only proves.. that it IS a strong friendship.. mother/daughter relationship!!

My net family has become an important part of my life...you will see pictures of my friends in the pages to come. It was a fantasy realized to meet everyone....who would think that you could meet people on a computer and then become friends and meet in real life and STILL like each other!!!!