Ohio 1999

To be honest....there was not enough time for this whole plan. And how it came to be is..... Twinnie wanted to visit steelmom and planned for a visit in June of 1999. Early on someone thought that we should all horn in on that visit and make it #Kahnnie's room party 1999. First to arrive was Fred^...driving from Missouri. He wanted to be able to meet steelmom without all the WOMEN , know full well how women are when they get together... giggly and talking all the time and see Sat night for more details.

Thursday Kahnnie, Giobaby and Twinnie were scheduled to arrive. They booked their flights so they would be close together...so only one trip to the airport would have to be made. Kahnnie arrived first....and managed to walk right on past Fred without realizing that she didn't know what he looked like truly and should have thought to ask WHERE they were meeting. Managing to NOT have a panic attack...she called steelmom...and found that Fred was wearing a 49'er hat (DUH) and they quickly met up together. Fred and Kahnnie got to wander the airport for about an hour....and wander is the correct term as it was not definitive exactly WHERE Twinnie and Giobaby would arrive. But they actually did....hugs were given all around and then the trek to the car...at WHICH time ciggys were pulled out except MsKahnnie...who doesn't smoke. Cigarettes.

Fred drove all the women to steelmom's house.....a little over an hour away. The scenery was very lovely....lots of trees with leaves....but everyone was tired and anxious to arrive and meet steelmom. We arrived at moms and once again had a round of hugs.... Jersey Girl had arrived before anyone else also...having driven from New Jersey by herself for 9 hours) Hereafter known as...mom..., steelmom had gotten pizzas and everyone had been ORDERED not to eat before showing up. There was a lot of chatting and sharing of gifts.... Mom had made everyone special glasses with a rose on it and the party date.

Friday morning everyone convened again @ mom's, ate donuts...and went grocery shopping. It was incredibly fun because Twinnie walked around most of the store with a banana sticker on her nose....and she and Giobaby spoke gibberish all the time to each other. We bought plenty of alcohol (I don't know why) and even went to the drive in liquor store. We went to Warthers Museum, but due to the price we did not go in...but took pictures of all of us outside, including oscar in his dutch shoes Twinnie had brought him. We then ate sloppy joes that mom's mom had made for us.....and sat around and waited for tre and woobie to arrive... After getting a good sunburn... woobie and tre showed up... about 3 or 4 in the afternoon, so of course lots more hugging and giggling ensued. We went to the Ponderosa for dinner that evening, and drove the waitresses crazy. We also had more gift giving.... JG had t-shirts made with eveyone's name on them. Since we planned on going to the FootBall Hall of Fame....we didn't stay up TOO horribly late this night. Spyke arrived late Friday night.

Saturday morning seemed to come too early.......but we all rousted out of bed.....almost everyone was in the same hotel. We started the phone chain and went out to Denny's for breakfast. We met Winnie (not to be confused with T-winnie) and her sisters but they were going to site see elsewhere and catch up to us in the afternoon. JG let Kahnnie use her car....so two vehicles went to the Hall of Fame. It was very interesting but we went thru fairly quickly with the tons of people we had all together. There were some photo opportunities along the way. Treasure, Woobie, Giobaby went swimming @ a nearby park, while the rest of us sat around and talked....and then went back to the hotel to clean up for the Sat night party. We met Boomdaddy and his wife....they lived in the same town as steelmom and wanted to meet everyone) Mom had been having a cow of sorts because of the location of the party...hotel conference rooms were not going to be available after all. We decided to go ahead and just party @ mom's......oscar went and bought a tent and woobie bought a volleyball set at Walmart...where Tweety was working......so of course we had to go and give her a bad time. Mom has the bestest kids in the world and her son Ronnie mowed the yard in the hot sun.....so people could play volleyball. Reportedly Giobaby peed her pants playing volleyball, especially after teaching Treasure some dutch words. The game of volleyball got rather noisey with the Tucconi triplets .Some Parlor games were played...outside though...as it was warm in Ohio. Mom also had gifts especially for certain people, Twinnie was given edible panties, Giobaby was given a chattering penis , Treasure and Woobie some fake viagra and Kahnnie a HUGE choc. penis sucker. For some reason mom thought it would also be fun to have everyone throw confetti on Kahnnie while everyone was sitting around yakking. (Kahnnie's penchant for putting confetti in packages MIGHT have been the reason?) There was a lot of drinking going on... especially with the shot glasses that Treasure had gave everyone...JG showed Kahnnie how to lemon drop (drink a shot of vodka, lick sugar, bite a lemon). Woobie was being mr smooth with wine coolers. Treasure and Giobaby exchanging both t-shirts and woobie, and ALSO SNAPPING their pants together and walking around together as Siamese twins. Giobaby and Treasure also exchanged wet and stickon tattoos, and feeling left out.... Kahnnie had Woobie put one on HER butt. the drinking went on until about 12 and we was all having a great time by then laughing and trying to understand each other and the next thing we knew.....the New Philly police were visiting us. However we had already started to try to move the party inside by then anyway.....By around 2 in the morning the hotellers decided they'd better make their move to the hotel.....even tho oscar had put up the tent in case anyone got so polluted they couldn't drive.

Sunday dawned.....again too early....because some people were going to be leaving. We all met @ the Ponderosa....making sure Giobaby didn't have too much ice in her drink. ( more SODA w/o the ice!!!) First to leave the scene was Winnie and her sisters (like Hannah?)....for the long drive back to Pennsylvania. JerseyGirl was next and pictures were taken hugging everyone. THEN surprise surprise Mustang1 showed up.......he didn't know how to get where we were so fred went and picked him up. He arrived in time to get to see Treasure and Woobie a little bit...then THEY had to hit the road jack, because Treasure felt obligated to take care of her own children. Giobaby had said she would make her famous sugo.....so she and Kahnnie ran to the store quickly to buy the ingredients..and then began the process of cooking. While they were at the store everyone had fun watching Paul spill his cheerios on the floor. Everyone ate dinner together in the front room....and then Mustang1 said he needed to get back on the road.

Monday.....last day for Kahnnie....boohooooooooo.....so Oscar drove the gang to Amish Country. We stopped @ a gas station and got donuts and coffee or any sort of refreshing liquid.....and proceeded on. It was a warm day.....and fun to go into so many shops and see so many different types of things.... Some a tad more authentic than others. Kahnnie was tickled to get to buy Sen-sen...one of her favorite treats that she hadn't seen in a very very long time in Oregon. She was also the only one to buy any junk to take home, everyone else bought sodas and steelmom managed to get herself stung by two Amish bees.

That is our story and we are sticking to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

� 2000, These pages were made and created by everyone at #Kahnnie..Please DO NOT take anything off the pages without permission Thank You Very Much!