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Ron Ronnie Dusty Paul Kim


Hello, welcome to the Runyon page. This is my first attempt at making a web page, if it is lame, please forgive me. I'll do better as I learn more. Let me start off by introducing my brats , I mean, family.

I'll start with Ron, aka OSCAR. He was born in 1962. Ron is a truck mechanic at Berner Trucking. He restarted working there in June 1998 after taking a "vacation " from the garage and driving over the road for 8 years. He does not like sports (something I can never understand ) but is into old cars , hot rods and anything with a motor. Ron is currently rebuilding  a 1963 Studebaker. I think it's about the ugliest car ever made. He bought the car 5 years ago and has worked about every weekend on it since. It needed to be junked but somehow , he saw potential in it. There was no floor, motor, seats worth speaking of or frame under it. Now, 5 years later, he has it ready to be on the street again.(pic of the studabaker coming soon)

Now I'll tell you about Ronnie. He was born in 1983 and is now at age 16, ready to be driving Daddy's Studebaker. Ronnie is a sports fanatic. He enjoys all sports, watching and playing. He likes everything from football to Nascar racing. Ronnie is in the 10th grade and is a member of the New Philadelphia High School Marching band and plays the Flugabone and Trombone. He has played for 5 years now and has enjoyed almost every minute of it. Yes, he has a girlfriend, girls!(she is so sweet )Her name is Alli. She also is in marching band.

Next in line is Dusty. He is 11 years old and is a miracle . He was born weighing 2 lbs 9oz. , 16 1/4 inches long and not expected to live long. Dusty is a survivior and stubborn. He has various medical problems, including an unknown genetic syndrom named for him, but he doesn't let those stop him from enjoying life. Dusty loves watching tv, mainly the shows Pokemon` , the Power Rangers ,any cartoon and dancing to "oldies " music. He is a very social , outgoing type of guy and everyone is his friend.

Ron and I thought our family was complete until God decided we need alittle more excitement. He blessed us with the suprise of Paul on Jan.31,1997. Another "bouncing baby boy" and Paul hasn't stopped bouncing since he was born. Paul is a wild child, terrorist, ruler of the house, bully..however you want to to call it, he is the KING. His favorite activities include jumping off anything he can climb on, wrestling with his older brothers, and getting into anything he can find. Dumping out /spilling things also seems to be a favorite past time.

Here we are to me. My name is Kim, aka steelmom. I am a 33 year old full time MOM and wife. I am also a huge sports fanatic. I root for any sports team from Pittsburgh. I started chatting in 1995 in a chat room on the undernet called #newbplus then moved on to #newbiehelp where I still go at times to help. After a hard drive crash I found a new chat room on msn net called #Kahnnie ,which moved to chatnet and it is now where I spend most of my online time. The people I have met in #kahnnie are now my second family. We met once in June 1999 and had a great party. (cops and everything) I can't wait to party with them again in the year 2000!

© 2000, These pages were made and created by everyone at #Kahnnie..Please DO NOT take anything off the pages without permission Thank You Very Much!