Hello my name is Jacqueline (aka Treasure).

Birthday: December 6, 1969

Birth place: Haslett Michigan

High School: Haslett High

College: Lansing Community College

Hey! Thanks for showing interest in me. Well since you came to the page I guess you would like to know a little about me. Well here goes.

I was born on December 6, 1969 and my parents said they looked at me and said a girl oh boy this is trouble. I am 30 years old and have blonde hair, blue eyes, and used to weigh 135 lbs. I am PG and expecting another. YES I AM CRAZY!!!!! Alright done with description now the details on me.

I gradguated from Haslett high where I ran track and played basketball for four years. and had fun doing it. From there I went to Lansing Community College on a track scholarship for 3 years. I have an associates in Business.

After college I started in the real world of work. I got married and have two beautiful daughters whos ages are 5 and 7 (my little angels lmao). Then I got divorced. I am now a Married woman again and am raising 4 GIRLS!! With another one on the way! AHHHH. My other two daughters ages are 9 and 12. You can view both of their websites below.

My occupation now is Full time mother, at home daycare provider, Web Designer, and of course chat he he. I stayed home cause I thought it was the best thing for my girls they needed a parent around full time.

Why do I chat, well lets see I chat because you meet wonderfull ppl and you make a lot of nice new friends to share your days with. The people in #Kahnnie are special. I have known most of them for almost a 3 years and we all get along just great. When one is having a bad day the rest try and cheer that person up. If someone is having a problem we try and help resolve it. If we cant resolve it then we do the best we can to make them know we are here for them. And if someone has good news well we all like to celebrate it with drink nites which are usually every week lmao.

Well I hope I have told you enough about myself and I hope you enjoy coming to #Kahnnie!!!

Thanks for getting to know me. See you In #Kahnnie.

Click Below to see My Kids Links

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