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"I don't like the income tax. Every time we talk about these taxes we get around to the idea of 'from each according to his capacity and to each according to his needs'. That's socialism. It's written into the Communist Manifesto. Maybe we ought to see that every person who gets a tax return receives a copy of the Communist Manifesto with it so he can see what's happening to him".
--T. Coleman Andrews, Commissioner of Internal Revenue, May 25, 1956 in US. News & World Report

"In a recent conversation with an official at the Internal Revenue Service, I was amazed when he told me that 'If the taxpayers of this country ever discover that the IRS operates on 90% bluff the entire system will collapse' ".
-- Henry Bellmon, Senator (1969)

"Our federal tax system is, in short, utterly impossible, utterly unjust and completely counterproductive [it] reeks with injustice and is fundamentally un-American... it has earned a rebellion and it's time we rebelled".
--President Ronald Reagan, May 1983, Williamsburg, VA

"Only the rare taxpayer would be likely to know that he could refuse to produce his records to IRS agents... Who would believe the ironic truth that the cooperative taxpayer fares much worse than the individual who relies upon his constitutional rights".
--Judge Cummings, U.S. Federal Judge, in US. v. Dickerson (7th Circuit 1969)

"Fear is the key element for the IRS in achieving its mission. Without fear, the IRS would have a difficult time maintaining our so-called system of voluntary compliance ...". "Given the opportunity, the IRS will take the easy way out and grab whatever it can... the IRS does not really care about you and what your future....... may be".
--Santo Presti, former IRS Criminal Investigation Agent and author of "IRS In Action"

"The IRS is an extraordinary example of the end justifying the means. The means of this agency is growth. It is interesting that the revenue officers within the IRS refer to taxpayers as 'inventory'. The IRS embodies the political realities of the selfish human desire to dominate others. Thus the end of this gigantic pretense of officialdom is power, pure and simple. The meek may inherit the earth, but they will never receive a promotion in an agency where efficiency is measured by the number of seizures of taxpayers' property and by the number of citizens and businesses driven into bankruptcy".
-- George Hansen, Congressman and author of "To Harass Our People"

"The wages of the average American worker, after inflation and taxes, have decreased 17% since 1973, the only Western industrial nation to so suffer".
--Martin Gross, author of "The Tax Racket: Government Extortion From A to Z"

Americans For Fair Taxation

Americans For Tax Reform


Campaign to Abolish the IRS Code

Case Against the IRS

Citizens For an Alternative Tax System

Citizens For Tax Justice

IRS Abuse of Power

IRS Abuse Reports

IRS Fraud Exposed

National Taxpayers Union

Secrets the IRS Doesn't Want You to Know

Tax Freedom

Tax Freedom Network

Tax Foundation Tax Bites


Tax Reform NOW!

Tax Truth 4 U

Truth About the Income Tax