Gun Control Hall of Fame

Adolf Hitler -- his Nazi Weapons Law of 1938 specifically outlawed firearms ownership by Jews and Gypsies and anti-Nazi opposition, successfully eliminating 13,000,000 of his foes and ensuring that Germany would be free of crime. The charismatic Nazi leader relied on the "sporting use" test for firearms ownership, a concept that remains important to today's gun control advocates. Hitler has many successful U.S. imitators in the Gun Control Hall of Fame, many of them are well-known politicians and public figures.

Sarah Brady -- the words Sarah Brady and Handgun Control, Inc. have been synonymous in the United States dating back to the mid-1980s. Mrs. Brady adopted Hitler's "sporting use" test for firearms ownership and she added the concepts of "industrialized nations", "sensible gun control" and "reasonable gun control".

Ed Asner -- actor selected for Gun Control Hall of Fame for his gun control commercials on radio.

Barbara Boxer -- elected to U.S. Senate based partly on her gun control stance, Boxer has voted consistently for gun control laws.

Bill Clinton -- imitation is the sincerest form of flattery as the charismatic U.S. president joins a gallery that includes Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin.

Hillary Rodham Clinton -- imitation is the sincerest form of flattery as the wife of the President of the United States enthusiastically promotes gun control and has earned a place in a gallery that includes V.I. Lenin, Mao Dzedong and Britain's King George III. Like her husband, Mrs. Clinton has probably never read a gun control law that she didn't like.

Cindy Crawford -- This famous supermodel, television hostess and movie actress joined other Hollywood stars and public celebrities when she publicly declared her support for gun control in Playboy Magazine.

Mao Dzedong -- China's leader reduced crime by eliminating 20,000,000 anti-Communists, reformers and uncooperative rural populations. The Great Helmsman's legacy includes the spectacular restoration of order and public safety at Tiananmen Square in 1989 a host of successful U.S. imitators in the Gun Control Hall of Fame, many of them well-known politicians and public figures.

V.I. Lenin -- vastly improved public safety when his leadership set the stage for the massive elimination of millions of Russians and other ethnic groups absorbed into the Soviet Union. Lenin has many successful U.S. imitators in the Gun Control Hall of Fame, many of them are well-known politicians and public figures.

King George III -- Britain's king ordered his troops to seize the firearms of British colonists in North America. In 1775, Gun Control suffered a temporary setback as the colonials revolted and their militias fired the "Shot heard 'round the world."

Diane Feinstein -- Feinstein is one of the richest Senators and she is a leading gun control raptor. Elected to U.S. Senate based partly on her gun control stance, Feinstein has voted sponsored successful gun control legislation.

Josef Stalin -- This famous Soviet Socialist reduced crime as he presided over a final solution for 20,000,000 Russians and other ethnic groups absorbed into the Soviet Union. Stalin has many successful U.S. imitators in the Gun Control Hall of Fame, many of them are well-known politicians and public figures.

Idi Amin -- this charismatic leader of Uganda helped his people by eliminating 300,000 Christians and political rivals. Amin is also believed to have supported population control by eating his opposition.

Charles Schumer -- Member of U.S. Congress from New York, Schumer enthusiastically pushes all gun control legislation.

Barbra Streisand -- Ms. Streisand is among a gallery of Hollywood stars and public celebrities that have embraced gun control to save ordinary Americans from guns and crime.

Howard Metzenbaum -- used his position on the U.S. Senate Judicial Committee to clear the way for gun control legislation designed to save Americans.

Joseph Biden -- used his position on the U.S. Senate Judicial Committee to clear the way for gun control legislation designed to save Americans.

Pol Pot -- Cambodia's famous Marxist leader had the courage to impose the sensible gun control policies necessary to establish and maintain control of Cambodia by eliminating 1,000,000 educated persons.

Hideki Togo -- Martyred by the War Crimes Tribunal, Japan's Premier Togo paid for the sins of many Japanese leaders whose gun control policies are linked to the deaths of millions of rebellious Asians opposing Emperor Hirohito and establishment of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.

Government of Ottoman Turkey -- eliminated about 1,500,000 troublesome Armenians 1915-1917.

Government of Guatemala -- eliminated 100,000 troublesome Maya Indians from 1960-1981.

Honorable Mention: Rising Stars of Gun Control

Centers for Disease Control -- U.S. federal agency bringing politics to bear in supporting gun control.

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms -- U.S. federal agency bringing politics to bear in supporting gun control.

Sara Lee -- a U.S. business supporting gun control.

AT&T --- a U.S. business supporting gun control.

KlanWatch -- a special interest group supporting gun control.

Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith -- a special interest group supporting gun control.

Southern Poverty Law Center -- a special interest group supporting gun control.

Stanley Foster -- millionaire San Diego businessman Stan Foster once headed the Hang Ten sportswear empire and counted the late M. Larry Lawrence among his friends. Foster has been a long-time force for gun control in California and San Diego politics, heading the San Diego faction of Gun Control, Inc.

Willard Scott -- television personality likes gun control.

Mary Tyler Moore -- perky actress supports gun control.

Ted Turner -- millionaire cable television executive, his father committed suicide with a handgun.

Past Stars of Gun Control


Althea Flynt -- wife of millionaire pornography publishing king Larry Flynt, she was ambivalent and contradictory about gun control, but suffered from AIDS and died in a Jacuzzi tub, allegedly from a drug overdose.

M. Larry Lawrence -- millionaire friend of President Clinton, Lawrence was appointed Ambassador to Switzerland and died in office. Savaged by his opposition, it was claimed that he was not qualified for the appointment and further claimed that he falsified his war record and was improperly buried in the U.S. Arlington National Cemetery. Mr. Lawrence was heavily involved in national, state and local San Diego politics and was a generous supporter of gun control politicians.