DARRIN AND ANDIE FINK (CONT)........................Page 12

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Andie not only can do the work of two men, but she has a green thumb.  She grows bananas, lemons and oranges in the solarium at the front of the house.

One of Andie's latest projects, which no man can do, is the construction of a baby.  That little bundle of joy (and a tax deduction to boot) will be due in April of 2000.  I'd say that He/She is a lucky kid! No doubt the baby will have an alternate energy electric baby buggy.

Above we see Darrin in his shack.
To the left is another one of Darrin's talents - restoring Mercedes Benz Unimogs.  Do you think this guy has any spare time after designing and building houses, building other outbuildings, restoring unimogs and making babys?  Well, I guess so, because he does get on the air once in a while.  How about that?

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