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Here you see a close up of the front  panel of the 3-4CX400A Svetlana, cathode driven, tetrode connected, Class AB2 amplifier.  To the right, the inside view shows the three Svetlana tubes and associated tank circuit components, blower, metering and control circuits.  Dean can fit more components into a given volume than any man alive.

The left picture is the front panel view of a 4CX1600B, passive grid, tetrode connected, Class AB2 amplifier built in a Collins 30L4 case. The picture on the right shows the inside view.  I believe this is the one that Dean fabricated the Chimney out of a Walmart beer mug!  (saves a few bucks)  Note the bandswitch.  This is a 6 position heavy duty ceramic World War II component out of a BC375 tuning unit.  $6 at Fair Radio.  Dean was an Arab used camel trader in another life.

Here's an end view showing the regulation and protective circuitry.  In all the above, note the precision metal work.

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