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Dick, the Professor, W0YXM; Glenn, the builder and CW ace, W7GS/9; Frank, Kilowatt Out Zero Reflected KO0R; Dan, the Handyman, KO7R; Bill, the Antennaman, K0WLU; Keith, the voice of Albequerque, W5MVC; Dave, the Great 18 Wheeler Mobile Signal, WB0LHJ; Paul, KC5DX, Wil, K5YDA  and Rob, Our Computer Whiz, NV7F., Dean, builder and author, W5LAJ; George, World Traveller, K7GB; Bill, Sedona Bill, W7DHD; Frank, K5RM; Idaho Steve, K7IF;  Joe, N0DCX; Tom, KA7W; Doug, "I can't Hear You", WB7TUJ:  and many others who occasionally check in.  We also mourn the passing of Ray, W7CKG, John, W5HYQ, and Ken, W0KC.

Richard "Dick" Linari, W0YXM,
Defender of Liberty, Freedom, Justice and  the Constitution.

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