JOE BAKER, N0DCX      Page 7
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Here we see Joe with a collection of vintage and homebrew equipment including a transverter, 75 m. to 15m on a HW-12;  a Galaxy 5 MkIII;  a Cubic Astro 103;  A homebrew 4-250A amplifier named the "Heatwave";  An antenna tuner on top of the "Heatwave";  an MFJ 1278 TNC with his Kenwood TD-2600 HT.  Dave puts out a mean signal with the Heatwave 4-250 Amp.

Above, is another corner of Joe's "shack".  Here we see a Pentium computer and a 386 (Packet) computer; a DX-100 and a vintage National RAO-7.
(Love those vintage boatanchors - ed.)

Outdoors, to the left, we see Joe's 15 m. homebrew two element Yegi; a 40 Meter inverted Vee fed with open wire line (way to go - ed);  a 2 Meter, 5 element homebrew Yagi; and a 70 cm. 9 element homebrew Quagi.  The highest antenna is about 30 ft.  Unfortunately, Joe has moved to a "beautiful people" neighborhood where they don't allow outside antennas or other personal freedoms.