Crystal Seas

Tranquility rushes outward from the barren land,
and I set sail yet again as the waves crash upon the sand.
The sea carries my emotions to the fou corners of the earth,
it mixed my pride and joy with my frustration since my birth.

I now begin a voyage my youthful heart has awaited,
I seek to find my peace in a quest long belated.
My feelings are my first mate, and my loyal crew,
often they guide me into treachery across the waters blue.

Who knows what dangers or fierce battles we will befall,
harsh winds and breaking surf will not detour us at all.
We travel through the triangle of bermuda as dead seas lie beyond,
and I realize that the ocean of life is no mere backyard pond.

Thunder bellows as bolts of lightning strike the midnight air,
yet I stand tall upon the deck as the wind blows through my hair.
I grip the wheel and take the route that will lead me home,
for my search came to a point when I realized I'm alone.

But before I could take a step a gentle voice spoke from above,
I sought to name this glorious intervention I only know as love.
Bestill my wondering soul there cam an answer to my cry,
the Lord has led me and shown enough mercy to let me try.

I loose myself in twisting paths and revel in the sky's hue,
I know I've found unconditional love that's tried and ever true.
My feelings for you are like still water flowing ever straight,
come aboard this vessel of true love before it is too late.