Timeless Love

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth,
He created all the land and seas and to life gave birth.
The man, called Adam, hopelessly yearned for another,
the Lord cared for Adam, and mankind was gave a mother.

They shared a timeless love which would last throughout the ages,
many to come would know this love as time turned its pages.
Through romantic rendez-vous and midnight serenades,
we form a common bond that by no other can be paraphrased.

A timeless love knows no obstacles nor afflictions,
it conquers all negativity and hard to break addictions.
Its power can change a person and causes adjutation,
love makes for us difficult decisions all across civilization.

Inside my heart I've hidden pain I often suffer,
and through it all I carry on and still grow tougher.
You've held my love inside a bottle for so very long,
I fear you'll toss it aside because I've done you wrong.

And yet I carry on still enamored by this vision of perfection,
I lay myself before your sparkling eyes and to your subjection.
Never have I felt this way nor will I ere again,
I sign my name in stone and wait for love to begin.

What might the future hold for one so loved by me as you,
I hope we meet on one bright day and show our love to be true.
Even might our love never be as for it I might pray,
I never will forget you for in my heart you'll ever stay.