Hammond Class of '59
Our years from 1954 to 1959

Class Representitive:Mike Graffeo

REUNION: Our last reunion was held September 1998 with the classes of '58 and '59 from GWHS/Hammond, these being the two only classes that started together with our eighth grade at Jefferson School and freshman year at GWHS and graduated from two schools. It was hard to determine who graduated from which school or whether they were class '58 or '59 since we all attended school at the same time. Those from our class had a great time and are now having discussion of when to have our next reunion. We will keep you informed right here on this WEB page.

REUNION PICTURES:The class reunion photos was taken by Capitol Photo Service Inc. in Mt. Rainier, MD and we are fortunate to have their permission to publish their photos here on this web site. For those wishing to buy a copy of their own can contact Capitol Photo. We have two photos taken at our reunion in 1998 and one taken in 1993. A left-click of the mouse on the photos below will bring the photo to a full screen with vital information.

Hammond for 1998 GW for 1998

NEW ADDRESSES: Please let us know (via e-mail, or telephone) if you have a new address or telephone number. Sometimes the post office will change street addresses even if you don't move. Please let us know when that happens.

MISSING CLASSMATES: Below is a list of classmates for whom we do not have current addresses. Please let us know if you have addresses for any of them or information which we can use to try to locate them. This information includes married name, spouse's name, college attended, names of relatives (siblings, parents, cousins, etc. and classes if they went to GW or Hammond), employer, last address, etc. Please help us locate these classmates or forward any information you have to Mike Graffeo

Nicknames appear in (paren); second-name used instead of the first-name is underlined; and the women's married surnames appear in italicized and bold type (Name).

List of our Missing Classmates
  1. Agnew, James (Jim) Anthony
  2. Allen, Mary Lizu
  3. Anthis, Penny
  4. Baker, Dan (Danny)
  5. Barker, Brenda Darlyn Rogers
  6. Bealke, Gretchen Ann
  7. Bradley, Russell (Russ) Lee
  8. Brownfield, Barbara (Bobbie) Virginia Rushing
  9. Buckley, John Reed
  10. Buckley, Marguerite (Maggy) Patricia
  11. Burleson, Elizabeth (Betty)
  12. Burner, James (Jim)
  13. Butler, Margaret (Pat) Patricia
  14. Coddington, Jean (Jeanie) Marie
  15. Compton, Nancy Lee
  16. Conners, George (Chick)
  17. Cooper, Barbara Gregory
  18. Cooper, Lynn Cynthia Pease
  19. Cordrey, Betty Ray Rallings
  20. Cragg, Thomas
  21. Crane, Warren Charles
  22. Croker, George (Bill) William
  23. Davis, Anthony
  24. Dougherty, Sharon (Sherry) Kay Fetterly
  25. Duncan, Jean Carolyn
  26. Duncan, Phillip (Phil) Pendleton
  27. Edelman, Sylvia
  28. Felts, Edward (Eddie) Lee
  29. Fry, Thomas (Tom) Markham
  30. Garnett, Jane (Punky) Vail McClelland
  31. Gentner, William (Bill) Ellis
  32. Haley, Stephen Lawrence
  33. Hall, Sarah (Sally) Miles
  34. Hamilton, William (Chris) Lambert
  35. Haughey, Maeve (Muvvie) Elizabeth Reddin
  36. Hayes, Patricia (Pat) Jean Derrickson
  37. Hoff, Charles Rapley
  1. Jacobs, Helen Marie
  2. James, Blanche (Bunny) Garretson
  3. Kelley, Barbara (Bonnie) Jean
  4. Kennedy, Wardlee
  5. Kerr, Robert (Bob) Morris
  6. Kinzer, Edward (Ed) Mason
  7. Lucas, Erleene Elizabeth
  8. Malloy, Daniel (Dan) Joseph
  9. McElhanon, Kelsa Sussan
  10. McEntee, Jill South Catino
  11. McMullan, Nancy Faye
  12. Mercer, John Hundley
  13. Nelson, Kathleen (Kathy) Ruby
  14. Norvell, Mary Sue
  15. Petersen, Betty Emma
  16. Pillsbury, Glenn Gray
  17. Rankin, Linda C
  18. Roush, Perry
  19. Schoonover, James (Jim) F
  20. Schrup, Janet (Jancy) Kay
  21. Shaffer, Sandra (Sandy) Ann
  22. Silbert, Dorothy (Dottie) Lee King
  23. Siragusa, John
  24. Smith, Page S Stendeback
  25. Stewart, Elizabeth (Anne) Ann
  26. Thurman, Taylor
  27. Trotter, Robert (Bob) Edward
  28. Vennel, Virginia (Ginger) Birkett
  29. Wallace, Roger Neil
  30. Waltz, Elizabeth (Liz) Marsh
  31. Webb, George Shettler
  32. West, Gale (Westie)
  33. White, Barbara
  34. White, Joanne Ladee
  35. Whitehouse, Leon (Wink) Kohlman
  36. Wilson, Wendy Leigh
  37. Young, Gary Lunt 



In Memory of our Deceased Classmates
  1. Holtzclaw, Raymond (Ray) Eugene
  2. Lawhon, Helen
  3. Naylor, Janice (Jan) Marie Downes
  4. Petersen, Paula (PJ) Jane Lange
  1. Reynolds, Dave William
  2. Walters, Robert (Bob) James
  3. Warsing, Robert (Bob) Henry 

List of Found Classmates
Because of privacy concerns, you must contact the class representative for the alumni's address. 
  1. Allport, Braxton
  2. Arthur, Shirley Ann Holien
  3. Aylesworth, Margaret (Maggie) Ann Ross
  4. Babylon, Susan (Sue) Eleanor Deal
  5. Baker, Kathleen (Kathy) Alexander Rice
  6. Ball, Ronald (Ronnie) Kenneth
  7. Barden, Margaret Nancy
  8. Basom, William Nash
  9. Beamer, Alan Roland
  10. Blumenthal, Jack Irving
  11. Boran, Roland (Mike) Michael
  12. Bourgois, Patricia Jeanne
  13. Bove, Ronald (Ronnie) James
  14. Bowen, Margaret (Edie) Edith Easley
  15. Bowlby, Susan (Sue) Adele Oliver
  16. Branscom, Archie (Winky) Summers
  17. Burke, Frederick (Bill) William
  18. Burke, Richard (Dick) Lennox
  19. Byars, Anne Keller Hyder
  20. Carroll, Mary Louise
  21. Claussen, Martin Paul
  22. Clotzman, Susan (Sue) Virginia Bernhard
  23. Crowell, Mary Frances
  24. Danielson, Carroll (Dan) Victor
  25. Day, Gloria Annette Newton
  26. Denholm, Kenneth (Larry) L
  27. Devine, William (Bill) Edward
  28. Devonald, Ann Carol Lash
  29. Donnahue, Margaret F
  30. Doran, Edward (Eddie) Willis
  31. Dow, Peter (Pete) Munson
  32. Engquist, John Quam
  33. Estill, Samuel (Sam) Mason
  34. Evans, Marjorie (Margie) Fleece Rios
  35. Flaitz, Carolyn Virginia Jones
  36. Forsman, Alpheus (Al) Edwin
  37. Forsman, Donna Louise
  38. Frutchey, Ann Elizabeth
  39. Garrett, Janna Aronedith Warner
  40. Gillespie, Julia (Judy) Elizabeth Marks
  41. Glymph, James (Jimmy) L
  42. Graffeo, Michael (Mike) Charles
  43. Hadzima, Andrew (Drew) Edward
  44. Hale, Elizabeth (Bizzy)
  45. Hartel, Dorothy Linda
  46. Heatwole, Judith (Judy) Heatwole Kremer
  47. Jack, Howard Corwin
  48. Jones, Arnold (Arnie) Wayne
  49. Jones, Ronald (Ronnie) Douglas
  1. Kemp, Sarah Jane Brady
  2. Kerr, Martha Elizabeth
  3. King, Joan Lilla Meiklejohn
  4. Koerner, Ronald F
  5. Lawter, James (Jim) Gray
  6. Lee, Edward Wynn
  7. Lunt, Gerald (Jerry) Welliver
  8. Lyngard, Richard John
  9. Marciel, Gabriel KamohaLii
  10. Mauck, Joan Carol Volk
  11. McCaffery, Kay Harriet Anderson
  12. McLaughlin, Patricia (Pat) Eileen LaBue
  13. Mesnig, Lynn Carol Candler
  14. Moreno, Janet (Jan) Stuart Mason
  15. Morris, William (Billy)
  16. Mullen, Carol Coleman Schmidt
  17. Mullen, Lela (Connie) Constance Russell
  18. Nalls, Thomas (Tom) William
  19. Nelson, Ann Davis
  20. Nicely, Rita Lee Stofko
  21. Parker, Denison (Denny) Ashby
  22. Pennington, Russell A
  23. Pfeiffer, William (Bill) F
  24. Plybon, Carolyn Ann
  25. Polk, Barbara Ann Fay
  26. Prevatt, Banks Goodall
  27. Prowse, Mary-Lee Taylor
  28. Rixse, John (Jay) Henry
  29. Robertson, Alaric Alvis
  30. Shackelford, Linda Ruth Yates
  31. Shaw, Robert (Bob) Anthony
  32. Smith, Cameron Leroy
  33. Sonosky, Joanne (Jo) Sue Hirsch
  34. Starr, Donald (Don) C
  35. Tapscott, Dorothy (Dottie) Grace Oliver
  36. Tindula, Roy Vernon
  37. Truxell, James (Jim) McGregor
  38. Van Swol, Noel
  39. VonDohlen, Henry W
  40. Vopatek, Michael (Mike) Joseph
  41. Waldrep, John
  42. Warner, Ernest Ray
  43. Waters, Phyllis Wayne Gartshore
  44. Weitzell, Roy Everett
  45. West, Barbara West Lunsford
  46. White, Anne Elizabeth Lewis
  47. White, Mary Ellis Fannon
  48. Wolf, Ronald (Ronnie) Allen
  49. Zachmann, Kathleen (Kathy) Anita Pugh

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