Hammond Class of '60
Our years from 1955 to 1960

Class Representitive:Betsy Speck

REUNION:  At the moment we are still constructing this page.

If anyone has any to share, contact your Class Representitive:Betsy Speck

NEW ADDRESSES: Please let us know (via e-mail, or telephone) if you have a new address or telephone number. Sometimes the post office will change street addresses even if you don't move. Please let us know when that happens.

MISSING CLASSMATES: Below will be a list of classmates for whom we do not have current addresses. Please let us know if you have addresses for any of them or information which we can use to try to locate them. This information includes married name, spouse's name, college attended, names of relatives (siblings, parents, cousins, etc. and classes if they went to GW or Hammond), employer, last address, etc. Please help us locate these classmates or forward any information you have to Betsy Speck

Nicknames appear in (paren); second-name used instead of the first-name is underlined; and the women's married surnames appear in italicized and bold type (Name).

List of our Missing Classmates

In Memory of our Deceased Classmates

List of Found Classmates
Because of privacy concerns, you must contact the class representative for the alumni's address. 

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This page was last upated on (Fri) Sep 1, '00