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Blue (Leanne Rymes)

How Do I live (Leanne Rymes)

Wind Beneath my wings (Bette Midler)

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Hello, my name is Don Martin. I am 55 yrs old 5'10,
Blonde/grey hair, 165 lbs. I am a financial asset manager ,and own my
business. I like all sports I can participate in. I Like
racquetball, tennis, golf, trailbiking, scuba, favorite is soaring. I like to watch
football, my favorite team is Tennessee, 2nd Alabama. University grad, some
post-grad work. My community involvements are Rotary, Boys and Girls club. I was aerospace engineer before financial planner, and before that was capt in US army, company commander. I like to read good books, good music, like Whitney Houston, Bette Midler singing "Wind beneath my wings" like Leanne Rimes ,and some country western music. I am a very private person ,and like to meditate. If you have any of these intrests , or would like to chat sometime I will have my ICq contact on this page. I also will have a guestbook . I hope that you take time to sign it.

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)Dons page June 99