Recomended Reading From OSS to Green Berets by Col. Aaron Bank, US Army Special Forces (Ret.) SOG: The Secret Wars of America's Commandos in Vietnam by John L. Plaster The Company They Keep: Life Inside the US Army Special Forces by Anna Simons Special Forces: Those 'Other' Guys by Tracy Paul-Warrington, CWO, US Army Special Forces ( ret. )
Written for NavySEALs.Com by Chief Warrington
Codename: Copperhead by SgtMaj. Joe R. Garner, US Army ( Ret. ), with Avrum M. Fine Hard to Forget by Steven M. Yedinak Mobile Guerilla Force by James C. Donahue 15 Months in SOG: A Warrior's Tour by Thom Nicholson, Col., US Army Special Forces ( Ret. )- *NOTE*! There has been some question as to this author's authenticity in operations with SOG
The Commandos: The Inside Story of America's Secret Soldiers by Douglas C. Waller At The Hurricane's Eye: US Special Operations Forces from Vietnam to Desert Storm by Greg Walker DELTA Force by Col. Charlie A. Beckwith, US Army ( Ret. ) and Donald Knox Black Hawk Down: A Story of Modern War by Mark Bowden Twilight Warriors: Inside the World's Special Forces by Martin C. Arostegui War Stories of the Green Berets: The Viet Nam Experience by Hans Halberstadt Six Silent Men: Book 1 by Reynel Martinez Six Silent Men: Book 2 by Kenn Miller Six Silent Men: Book 3 by Gary A. Linderer Inside the LRRPs: Rangers in Vietnam by Michael Lee Lanning Green Berets At War: US Army Special Forces In Southeast Asia, 1956-1975 by Shelby L. Stanton War Story by Jim Morris Marine Sniper by Charles Henderson A Better War by Lewis Sorley In Search Of The Warrior Spirit by Richard Strozzi Heckler DELTA: America's Elite Counterterrorist Force by Terry Griswold and D.M. Giangreco To Fight With Intrepidity: The Complete History of the US Army Rangers 1622 to Present by John D. Lock, Maj., US Army
Five Years to Freedom by James N. Rowe
The Tracker by Tom Brown, Jr.
Danger Close by Mike Yon
Dead Center by Ed Kugler
The Complete Guide to Navy SEAL Fitness by Lt. Stew
Smith, USN ( SEAL )
An excellent workout guide, keep in mind that the Army
will require you to ruck march more than they will require
you to swim.