Pictures From '99 Tracker School Back To Back

"Hurricane Class"

One of the caretakers demonstrating primitive camoflage after another camoflage lecture. Everyone walked past him and didn't see him.

Does this help you a little bit?

Ruth Ann demonstrating primitive camoflage

Demonstration on building a Scout Pit shelter

Ruth Ann camoing up, with the aid of Tom McElroy, for the previously mention exercised.

Primitive arrows

Ruth Ann's lecture on making grass mats and clothing.

The Longest Lecture. Tom McElroy gives the very lengthy, very in-depth, and very cool bow lecture.

Mack Barnes dresses out a deer ( steam was rising off the body while he field dressed it ) that was hit by car while making rather humorous remarks about the incident.

Tracker students helping field dress the deer. I don't believe this is a regular occurence at the School, but rather an occasional one. Students were not allowed to eat any of the meat, even after it was cooked.
