What On Earth Quincy Noodles Is
setting, dramatis personae
Well, you see, in high school we put on a musical every year. Last year a few of us guys were backstage during a rehersal break, and found this wraper for those noodles that you're really suposed to put in boiling water but most people eat raw because they like crunchy things... and any way, on the wraper we discovered that the brand name for these things was MR. NOODLES (the mentioning of this particular brand is in no way intended as advertising, and it certainly hasn't been paid for).
plot development
well, it was inevitable. We naturally started discussing who is this Mr. Noodles character. An incredibly wide ranging discussion we did have: what would he eat, what did he look like,... WHAT WAS HIS FIRST NAME? That was a real poser. What kind of first name does one associate with the last name "Noodles"? It couldn't be George--too noble, presidential. Nor could it be Norm--no parent would force that much aliteration on a young "Noodles". The truth, we discovered, was that the name must be Quincy. Not that there is anything wrong with the name Quincy, it's just unconventional.
Conclusion, epilogue
well, this quincy character we thought up turned out to be rather tenacious. He filled all our thoughts(well...all of mine for about a minute or so...), and then he sort of went away. Then one day in philosophy class (in college now) he turned up again, in the form of a black-board grafito of my designing, reading "all hail quincy noodles!" the rest, as they say, is history. (not litterally of course, cause that was, like, last week, but you get the picture.)
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Here is yet another link to FortuneCity.

I honestly don't know where that door goes