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City of Liverpool

These plaques were unveiled on 12th June 1988 by

The honourable John C Dorrance

Consul General of the United States of America

To commemorate the dedication of this memorial to


0-3888 USAAF

Commander 41st Figher Squadron, 35th Fighter Group, who gave his life nearby on 8th June, 1942 in the defence of Sydney.

Alderman C.R. Conway,  J.P.  (Mayor)



Close up of the main plaque.  Again, using my trusty disposable camera the image is quite good considering the overcast day I went to visit the site.  I asked the permission of my Army driving instructor if I could go past the site and take some pictures, he said "no problems. . but if you don't drive safely I'll fail ya!". . . luckily I squeezed by truck through the front gate without touching.   :)


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