To our warrior forebears who fought for their traditional lands here in Australia. . .we are merely part of a continous warrior tradition. . .
To not only to those Indigenous Australians that have served Australia both in war and peace, but to the families and friends of these men and women who served both overseas and in Australia. . .
Those that served without rifle and grenade, but with their hands and minds back home in the factories, farms and homes in Australia. . .
To those who were rejected joining the forces on the basis of their Aboriginality, which in both World War One and Two were laws. . .
To the others like me who are in the services today, representing our community and maintaining a living link to our unique Anzac heritage. . .
To our Indigenous cousins in New Zealand, Canada and the United States - who experienced the same treatment and loss as us in wartime. . .
To the kids in communities today, that they find out that we got heaps of pride when it comes to fighting for our country - we always stepped up when freedom was being threatened both here and overseas.