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I fear for Lebanon's future today, in the time of peace, more than the time of the past war. I fear for Lebanon's future not from foreign occupation, external plotters (who taught us their game) or the local WARLORDS.
Today, our youth knows Elie Hobeika, Walid Joumblatt, Michel Aoun, Samir Geagea, Suleiman Frangie (Jr.), Omar Karame, Hezbollah.......and of course ; the Gang : Gringo, Abou Layla, Abou Aali, Abou Waati, Abou Shmeil & Abou Yamine. Do these Young Lebanese know that in the sixties (The Golden Age of Lebanon) Beirut International Airport was the 4th in the World ???? Do they know that Camille Chamoun, Ghassan Toueyni and Kamal Joumblatt formed the "National Socialist Front" back in the fifties ??? yes...Camille Chamoun was a socialist and Arabian nationalist, he was nicknamed "Fata al Ourouba al Baar" (the Prominent Young Arabian) before he later changed 180 Degree in direction to become the Christian Extremist WARLORD who master minded a trip to Damascus along with Pierre Gemayel to ask the Syrians to come in to Lebanon & aid them to dispose of the Palestinians in 1976. The Prominent Young Arabian who masterminded the relations with Israel also in 1976. YES...the people who oppose the Syrian Troops are the followers of the very same leaders who IMPLORED them to come to their aid in Lebanon in the first place. Do the Young Lebanese of today know that it was Pierre Gemayel himself who went to Egypt and signed the Cairo Agreement allowing the armament of the Palestinian factions in Lebanon & authorise Palestinian Resistance attacks against Israel from Lebanese Soil???? That was in 1968. Do the Young Lebanese of today know that in September 1982, just one week prior to his assassination President Elect Sheikh Bashir Gemayel took a secret night-trip to Israel to meet Menahem Beguin (Israeli Prime Minister at the time) and Ariel Sharon (Israeli Defence Minister)??? In that meeting it was requested from Bashir , That in return for paving the way for his Presidency, Bashir had to come to Israel (after taking the oath of office) officially & as President of the Lebanese Republic to sign an official peace treaty with Israel (exactly like Egypt's Anwar Sadat). Bashir's reply was that he needed time, at least a year, he cannot undertake such a trip right away because he is no longer a Christian Leader but the President of the Lebanese Republic i.e. President over the Lebanese Christians.....and Muslims. Without the Lebanese Muslim's support he cannot perform such a task that would undermine his Presidency. The meeting ended in bitter disagreement where Manahem Beguin simply stood up and walked away from the meeting. One week later Bashir Gemayel was assassinated........coincidence ??? Maybe. My point in all this ??? The Lebanese Youth of today will have to be more aware to the responsibilities ahead, we should look deeply into our past in order to learn and understand better the path that lies ahead. The principles of the 1943-independent-Lebanon were good and the best option that existed...THEN. Today , all the circumstances and elements have changed, we need new principles, a new updated system, we need a re-birth..........It is time for the Second Republic. France is today in its FIFTH Republic, due to change in societies, political climates & regional factors. There has been talk about a Second Republic in Lebanon (specially by Nabih Berry), but what kind of Second Republic do we want ?? Us the young Generation , the generation that grew up in a torn country, the Un-focused Generation, the Generation that has come to be known as " The War Generation". Unless we know our recent modern history and the elements that paved the way for the recent 17 years of destructive civil war.......then our quest for a new Lebanon and a Second & Modern 21st Century Republic.......is nothing but a BLIND STRUGGLE. I am 31 years old, my generation endured 17 years of war conducted by local Lebanese WARLODS and masterminded by Foreign & Regional influential countries. Some of my Generation today is foolishly enjoying the Mercedes & Cellular phones their newly rich parents gave them to play with, others gave up hope and emigrated to Canada, States, Australia and Europe, the remainder part stayed in Lebanon having nowhere to go or binded by personal family circumstances. This third part of my generation is today enduring , in peace time, the rules and laws imposed on them by the same WARLORDS, now turned official Ministers & Parliament Deputies. These Lebanese WARLORDS inherited from Patriotic men the Legacy of the 1943 Independence, it was their duty & responsibility to improve it , develop it , update it to a better Lebanon & a better Lebanese way of life. Instead , they betrayed it, altered it, twisted it, quarrelled for more grounds and personal influence, fuelled by GREED, treason and innocent blood of our youth........That, is the LOST MESSAGE. |
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