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...and ye shall obtain mercy

Murillo: "Prodigal Son"

Welcome to
Lumen Christi Rome

Lumen Christi is an English-speaking prayer community in the Catholic charismatic renewal movement. It was started in 1970 by Father Giles Dimock op and two fellow Dominicans; these were soon joined by Father Val Gaudet omi, Sister Winifrid Corrigan, Father Frank Sullivan sj and others, and the small group grew rapidly. The name "Lumen Christi" was adopted in 1975 as the official name.

Sunday meetings are held at St. Patrick's Church on Via Boncompagni 31 (just off the Via Veneto) at 16.00 to 17.30.


Nazareth Ministry
The members of this ministry pray for the needs of the pastoral team, of the whole prayer community and the needs of the city of Rome. The whole prayer community embraces not only those in Rome but all those who are members now spread throughout the world. The Lumen Christi has a universal and missionary dimension with horizons unlimited. Those in the Nazareth Ministry undertake to pray for a period of time each day, if possible before the Blessed Sacrament. Once a month they meet together for an afternoon of silent prayer before the Blessed Sacrament exposed, followed by the celebration of the Eucharist. This afternoon of prayer is held at Via Giusti,12, every second Saturday of the month from 16.00 to 18.00 till the end of Mass, which begins at 17.15. Everyone is welcome to come for this afternoon or whatever part of it they can manage


Carl Vogel: "Jesus with Infants"


MIRIAM catholic network
MIRIAM - banner exchange network

For information e-mail to:
Alexius Perera

Last update: 23 March 2005

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