Technical Details
I tried to keep the download time fairly short by keeping the
resolution of the photos low. Hence you will notice that the
quality of the photos is not terrific. The originals are
good quality!
- The photos (taken with a normal SLR camera) were
developed using National Photos who provide a digital
- The digital copy was converted into JPEG format using
Paint Shop Pro 5 (a legal copy)
- I used MS Front Page to design the pages, using a
template for the similar pages. The server that the files
are viewed on converts all file names to lower case.
- I avoided frames and anything else even vaguely 'modern'.
I have some friends that still use browsers which do not
support frames.
- The icons used were the first I could find. Hence they
are of a low quality but I thought were better than none
at all (You may disagree!)