Technical Details
I tried to keep the download time fairly short by keeping the
resolution of the photos low. Hence you will notice that the
quality of the photos is not terrific. The originals are
good quality!
- The photos were scanned on an old 486 with not much RAM
(16MB I think)
- The scanner was a HP 6100C (or is it 5100C -- I've
- I scanned them in using HP ScanJet software.
- I used the "Color Photo" setting intended for
"Screen" viewing. Next time I may use a better
setting to save the photos at a higher resolution and end
up saving them as JPEG files. Unfortunately the HP
software only stores the scanned images in a few formats.
I eventually had to settle on Windows BMP files.
- On these settings, the 7x5 (inches) photos consumed only
192k each. There was not a lot of hard disk space to
store over 70 photos in a higher resolution.
- I used Paint Shop Pro 5 (a legal copy) to convert the
photos to both small GIFs (thumbnails) and large GIFs. [I
experimented with saving them as JPEG files but there was
very little difference between quality and file size]
- I used MS Front Page to design the pages, using a
template for the similar pages. The server that the files
are viewed on converts all file names to lower case. I
had to have several goes at forcing Front Page to save
the pointers in the HTML in lower case.
- I avoided frames and anything else even vaguely 'modern'.
I have some friends that still use browsers which do not
support frames.
- The icons used were the first I could find. Hence they
are of a low quality but I thought were better than none
at all (You may disagree!)