Meet The Mastermind Behind This Website!!

Greetings! I'm glad you have decided to see my website. Here I shall inform you about myself, and my family.
First thing is the stats of the one known as The Wulf with Soul!! I am 5'9" and 178 lbs. I have long dark brown hair, down to between my shoulderblades, and a goatee. My left ear is pierced, and I have a tattoo of the Gemini Symbol on my left arm, with a Yin Yang Design inside it. I just recently had a wolf's head tattooed on my right arm. I did have a tongue ring, but after constantly biting the barbell, I got sick of it and removed it!! I am 27 years old, and single. Here are a few pics of yours truly.

And now here are members of my family. Shown are pictures of my grandparents, George and Belinda Mellem, and my parents, Richard Sr. and Sharon Mellem.

On December 13th of 1998, one of my biggest fans left this earth. My Grandma, Belinda Mellem, passed away. We were really close, her and I, and I never got to tell her that I loved her, nor was I given a chance to say goodbye. So, I have decided to make this shrine to her.