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C & P Vol. 1
p.204 Patent bk.2, p.271.
THOMAS TILSEY, 300 acs. James City Co., 13 Dec. 1650. Lying on the west side of Chicohominy River upon Moses Run, bounded S by W upon land of Mr. Theodore Moyses & E by N upon Mr. Foyes Land. Trans. of 6 pers.
p.222 Patent bk. 2, p.350. Richard Whitehurst, 700 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 22 Nov. 1651. Trans. of 14 pers:
RICHARD TINLEY, ROBERT TINLEY & others.p.323 Patent bk. 4, p. 7 (11). Samuel Smith, 100 acs. James City Co., 2, Dec. 1655. On N. Side of James River, NW side of Chichohominy River, Nly side of Moses run, along marked trees formerly belonging to Phillip Charles now is possession of Tho. House & along the sandy ridge to
THO. TINSLIES LINE &c. Trans. of 2 pers.p.387 Patent bk. 4, p. 259 (361). Thomas Carter, 220 acs. Nansamond Co., 4 Mar. 1658. At the head of land of Edward Carter, running E. by line of
WM. TINSE, Thomas Addison & Richard Russell. Trans. of 5 pers.p.476 Patent bk. 5, p. 252 (183). Mr. Wm. Body, 3350 acs., Isle of Wight Co., 12 July 1665. Trans. of 56 pers:
WM. TINZEY & others.