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C & P Vol. 1



From the Introduction, pages xviii, xix & xx.

Cavaliers & Pioneers, Volume 1


To the new governor and captain general, Sir Francis wyatt, elected at a Court of the London company on January 29, 1620/21, authorization was extended to govern "as fully and amply as any Governor and Council resident there at any time within the space of five years now last past might performe or execute.". Sir Francis arrived in Virginia in October, 1621, and with him came his brother, the Rev. Haute Wyatt, William Clayborne with an appointment as surveyor-general of the Colony, Dr. John Pott, physician-general, and the Colony’s new treasurer, George Sandys, who was to compose in Virginia portions of his noted translation of the "Metamorphoses" of Ovid.

Sir Francis Wyatt’s commission defined the powers of the Governor and Council, and permitted the people to choose Burgesses to represent them in a popular Assembly. But at this time when reforms showed promise of fruitfulness occurred the most cruel blow that the Colony had as yet experienced. On March 22, 1621/2 the Indians, under the leadership of Opechancanough (Opechankano), brother of Powhatan, massacred 347 of the 1,240 white inhabitants of the colony. Jamestown and the neighboring settlements were only saved by the timely warning of the Christian Indian Chanco. Yet even after this "deadly stroake given to the great amazement and ruine of the state" emigration from England went on undeterred, in the spirit voiced by Mr. Truelove and his Associates on July 17, 1623: "no whitt discouraged with the late Massacre of the English by the treacherous Indians they were resolved to set forth for their Plantations."

And the stricken Colony was soon to have news of radical changes from over the water. Largely as an outcome of the incessant and violent attacks by the former Treasurer, Sir Thomas Smythe, allied with the Earl of Warwick, upon the administration of the London Company by Sir Edwin Sandys and the Earl of Southampton, the Charter of the Company was, at the instance of the King, abrogated by the Courts in June 1624, and as a consequence the administration of the Colony and the disposal of its land came under the immediate control of the Crown. The extinction of the London Company gave little satisfaction to Governor Wyatt and other men of prominence in Virginia, who expressed their remonstrance, over their signatures, in "The Tragicall Relacon," but without avail. However, Charles the First, who ascended the throne on March 27, 1625, issued his proclamation on May 13 after his accession, declaring that it was not his purpose to "take away or impeach the particular interest of any private planter or adventurer, nor to alter the same otherwise than should be necessary for the good of the public."

Sir Francis Wyatt continued to serve as governor until, at his own request, he was relieved of his office in May, 1626. Sir George Yeardley once more became governor and continued until his death.


p.1 Patent bk. 1, pt. 1., p. 12: By the Governor and Capt. General of Virginia.

To all to whome these psents shall come greeting in our Lord God Everlasting Know yee that I SR. FRANCIS WYATT KT. GOVERNOR AND CAPT. GENERLL OF VIRGINIA by Vertue of the great Charter of orders and lawes concluded on in a Generll quarter Court by the Treasurer Councell and Company of Adventurers for this first Southerne Colony of Virginia according to the authoritie graunted them by his Majtie. under his great Seale and by them dated at London the Eighteenth day of November One Thowsand six hundred & Eighteene and directed to the Governor and Councell of State here resident doe wth the approbacon and consent of the same Councell whoe are joyned in Commission wth mee give and graunt unto Georg Sandys Esqr. and Treasurer in Virginia and to his heires and assignes for ever in the nature and quallity of his first devident to bee augmented and doubled by the Company to him his said heires or assignes when hee or they shall once sufficiently have peopled and planted the same three hundred acres of Land scituate & being on the other side of the river opposite agt. James Citty and abutting Westward on the land of John Baineham and Eastward on the land of Edward Grindon of both which devidents hee is now actually possessed &c. One hundred acres of the same being for a bill of Adventure of twelve pownds tenn shillings and the other twoe hundred in the right of his transportation into this Country of fower servants &c. To have and to hold the said three hundred acres of Land with the apprennces and wth his due share of all mines and Mineralls therein conteyned and with all rights and priviledges of hunting fishing fowling and others within the pcincts and upon the borders of the same Land to the sole and proper use benifitt and behoofe of him the said Georg Sandys his said heires or assignes for ever in as larg and ample manner to all intents and purposes as is expressed in the said great Charter or by consequence may bee justly Collected out of the same or out of his Majties. Letters Pattents whereon it is grounded. Yeilding and paying to the said Treasurer and Company and to their Successors for ever yearely at the feast of St. Michaell the Archangell for every fifty acres of his said devident the fee rent of one shilling Provided that the said three hundred acres due extend in a right line along the banke of the said river not above one hundred & fifty pole at sixteene foote and a halfe the pole. In Witness whereof I have to these psesnts sett my hand and the Great seale of the Colony. Given at James Citty the fowerth day of December in the yeares of the raignes of our Sovernigne Lord James by the Grace of God King, Defender of the Faith &c. Vizt. Angl. the twoe and twentieth Scot. fifty Eight Anno Domini one Thowsand Six hundred twenty fower Col: Virga. Eighteenth.

p.16 Patent bk. 1, pt. 1, p.117. Bartholomew Hoskins, 100 acs. 7 Sept. 1632...........graunted to him by SIR FRANCIS WYATT

p.25 Patent bk. 1, pt. 1, p. 212. Joseph Stratton, 500 acs. 8 July 1635. Part of devdt. formerly belonging to SIR FRANCIS WYATT......

p.67 Patent bk. 1, pt. 2, p.463. Peter Mountegue, 150 acs. 22 Aug. 1637. Confirmed by SIR FRANCIS WYATT.

p.71 Patent bk. 1, pt. 2, p.479. William Lansden, 3 June 1624. (By SIR FRANCIS WYATT.)

p.86 Patent bk. 1, pt. 2, p.545. Edward Stephenson & Henry cookeney, 350 acs., 6 May 1638. ".....renewed by SIR FRANCIS WYATT.

p.95 Patent bk. 1, pt. 2, p.590. RALPH WYATT, Gent. to Richard Johnson, Roger Davis & Abraham Wood, Planters, 21 year lease; last day of Dec. 1636. One parcell of land lying & being from Sizemores Creek & soe up the creek as farr as Capt. Buttons land doth extend, from thence up to the Rock in apamattock River, thence along the river & soe into the Baye & from thence to Seizmore his creek againe. Said WYATT, his assigns &c. shall possess & enjoy 10 acs. of the land aforesaid runing down from the Rock above mentioned. Signed: RALPH WYATT. Witnesses Joseph Fister, Daniell Lewellin.

p.110 Patent bk. 1, pt. 2, p.651. James Perren, 100 acs. Accomack Co., May 28, 1639. 50 acs. due for per. adv. of himself & 50 acs. due for per. adv. of 1 servt: ROBERT WYATT.

p.123 Patent bk. 1, pt. 2, p. 730. Georg Minifie, 80 poles in James Cittie, Aug. 3, 1640. Between land of SIR FRANCIS WYATT and....

p.126 Patent bk. 1, pt. 2, p.757. HENRY WYATT, ESQR., ELDEST SON OF SIR FRANCIS WYATT, 50 acs. in Pasbyehaies, James City Co., Dec. 16 1641. 21 yr. lease. Beg. upon a high bancke in an old feild, etc., adj. land of Capt. Robert Hutchinson, etc. neare howse of Mr. John White, etc. to the mouth of the Swampe, etc. But the 3 acs. for the two pathes, one leading to Powhetan bridge and the other to Chickahominy not respecting the variation. Annuall Rent 2 Bbls. of Merchantable Corne, for every 50 acs. etc.

P.131 Patent bk. 1, pt. 2, p.794. John Waltham, 300 acs. Accomack Co., Aug 25, 1642. Transp. of 6 pers: THOMAS WYATT....

p.141 Patent bk. 1, pt. 2, p. 869. RICHARD WYATT, 250 acs. in Mockjack Bay, butting upon the narrow of Ware River, bounded on the W. by Cow Creek, kAug. 15, 1642. Due for his own per. adv. thrice & trans. of 2 pers.


p.145 Patent bk. 1, pt. 2, p.891. Anthony Coleman,82 1/2 acs. in James City Co., Sept. 21, 1643. Adj. SIR FRANCIS WYATT....

p.148 Patent bk. 1, pt. 2, p.916. SIR FRANCIS WYATT, 2,000 acs. about 25 mi. up the S. side of Rappa. River, adj. land taken up and surveyed for the use of Mr. John Gookin, to Episkapanke Creek, Sept. 29, 1643. Trans. of 40 pers: SR. FRANCIS WYATT, EDWIN WYATT....

p.160 Patent bk. 2, p.51. William Davis, 500 acs. James Citty Co., June 2, 1646. .....N.N.W. upon George Lake & GEORGE WYATT.

p.161 Patent bk. 2, p. 54. GEORGE WIATT (WYATT), 250 acs. James City Co., Oct. 4, 1645. At the Middle Plantation, N. by E. along the Pallisadoes & land of George Lake, S by W towards head of Archers Hope Creek. Due said WYATT as followeth: 100 acs. purchased by Thomas Lucas & Tho. Gregorie of Capt. Popeley, Feb. 1, 1641, by them sold to Thomas Heath, by him assigned to said WYATT & George Lake, & 400 acs. purchased by said WIATT & Lake of Capt. Popley Apr. 12, 1642, then equally divided between them, and the said 250 also due for trans. of 5 pers.

p.177 Patent bk. 2, p.149. Capt. Robert Hutchinson, 200 acs. James City Co., June 12, 1648. adj. lands of ....& SIR FRANCIS WYATT.

p.178 Patent bk. 2, p.154. RICHARD WYATT, 500 acs. in Mockjack Bay, Aug. 20, 1645. Upon the Eastermost side of Ware River and running to Cow Creek. Transp. of 10 pers. (The 4 last names are yt due said WYATT, which are assigned to Richd. Diminge.)

p.229 Patent bk. 3, p.4. WILLIAM WYAT, 400 acs. Glocester Co., 27 Apr. 1653. Upon S. E. side of Matapony river, about 2 miles above the Indian Ferry, bounding W.N.W. upon land of Mr. Richard Barnehouse, etc. Transp. of 8 pers: WM. WYAT.....

p.240 Patent bk. 3, p.26. Hen. Soanes, 1200 acs. on the NE side of Mattapony River, beneath the land of MR. WM. WYAT, 10 Mar. 1653.

p.241 Patent bk. 3, p.27. Hen. Soanes, 200 acs. Glocester Co., 10 Mar. 1653. On the NE side of Mattapony river beg. above the land of MR. WM. WYAT.....

p.276 Patent bk. 3, p.193. Richard Barnhouse, Jr., 200 acs. Glocester Co., 27 apr. 1653. On S side of Mattapony River, bounded upon land of MR. WILLIAM WYATT.

p.283 Patent bk. 3, p.233. WILLIAM WYATT, 400 acs. Gloster Co., upon SE side of Mettapony River, 20 DEC. 1653. About 7 mi. up the river, bounded from a branch dividing this & a tract surveyed for William Ginsey. Transp. of 8 pers.

p.284 Patent bk. 3, p.237. Major William Lewis, 640 acs. Gloster co., 25 May 1654. On NE side of Mettapony River behind the land of Arthur Price & WILLIAM WYATT.

p.287 Patent bk. 3, p.253. Michael Rickett, 200 acs., July 1653. INCOMPLETE. Wly on land of THOMAS WYATT & mentions a branch of Hungars Creek.

p.288 Patent bk. 3, p.258. John Ashly & -----Hamper, 10 Mar. 1653. Transp. of 6 pers: ANN WYATT....

p.294 Patent bk. 3, p.285. Major Miles Carey, 3,000 acs. in Westmoreland Co., 5 Oct. 1654. Transp. of 6 pers: ANDREW WYATT....

p.306 Patent bk. 3, p. 337. Capt. Robert Abrall, 600 acs. Glouster Co., 20 Feb. 1654. Upon a branch dividing this from land of MR. WILLIAM WYATT.

p.306 Patent bk. 3, p.338. Edward Moore, 200 acs. Northampton Co., 2 apr. 1655. Trans. of 4 pers: THOMAS WYATT....

p.307 Patent bk. 3, p.340. Peter Ford, 500 acs. Cacamount in Glouster Co., on the NE side of Mettopony River, behind land of MR. WILLIAM WYATT

p.309 Patent bk. 3, Thomas Ballard, 1,000 acs. Glouster Co., now called New Kent co., on SE side of Mettopony River & along the head of MR. WILLIAM WYATT’S LAND. 16 July 1655.

p.310 Patent bk. 3, p.354. WILLIAM WYATT, 300 acs. New Kent Co., on NE side of Mettopony river behind his own land & adj. land of Mr. Henry Soanes. 6 June 1655. Transp. of 6 pers.

p.328 Patent bk. 4, p.22 (33). Richard Barnhouse, Jr., 200 acs. Gloster co., 17 Mar. 1655. ".....S.E. upon land of MR. WM. WYATT.

p.373-4 Patent bk. 4, p.201 (294). Gervase Dodson, 5200 acs. Westmoreland Co., 16 Sept. 1657. Transp. of 44 pers: MARTIN WYATT....

p.379 Patent bk. 4, p.224 (322). Thomas Hickman, 1000 acs. New Kent Co., 6 Oct. 1658. On SE side of Mattappany River, beg. at the head of MR. WM. WYATTS lower devdt.

p.389 Patent bk. 4, p.270 (371). Col. Thomas Pettus, 1000 acs. Westmoreland Co., 15 Mar. 1658. Renewed for trans. of 20 pers: JOHN WYATT...

p.398 Patent bk. 4, p.306 (419). EDWARD WYATT, GENT., 1230 acs. Gloster Co., 20 July 1662. Upon Peanketanke River, a marked tree dividing this & land of Mr. Edw. Kemp, & along Wadeing Creek. Transp. of 25 pers.

p.402 Patent bk. 4, p.318 (437). Ralph Elkins, 30 acs. Yorke Co., 15 Jan. 1661. NW on GEORG WYATT....

p.402 Patent bk. 4, p.320 (439). Mr. Robert Grigg & MR. EDWARD WYATT, 370 acs. in Gloster kCo., Kingston Parish, 19 Apr. 1662. Bounding upon land of Jno. Smithy & running from Garden Creek upon the bay SE &c. Transp. of 8 pers.

p.414 Patent bk. 4, p.55 (505). Thomas Boutracle, 200 acs. N’ampton, adj. land of THOMAS WYATT.....

p.427 Patent bk. 4, p.98 (592). Thomas Woodward, Sr. & Jr., Trans. of 50 pers: RICH. WYATT....

p.430 Patent bk. 4, p.104 (600). James Atkinson, 500 acs. Accomacke Co., 23 Feb. 1663. Trans. of 10 pers: ANTH. WYATT...

p.433 Patent bk. 4, p.115 (614). Coll. Robert Pitt, Capt. Joseph Bridger & William Burgh, 3000 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 21 Mar. 1664. Trans. of 24 pers: ROBT. WYATT....

p.482 Patent bk. 5, p.272 (220). Elias Hartree, 600 acs. in Accomacke, 10 Feb. 1663. 400 acs. granted to THO. WYATT 21 July 1640 by him sold to Richard smith , who assigned to Mich. Richards, who assigned to said Haretree.

p.494 Patent bk. 5, p.309 (286). WM. WYATT, 400 acs. Gloster Co., 16 Mar. 1663. SE side of Mattapony River, 7 miles or thereabouts up the same, bounded from a branch which divides this & tract surveyed for Wm. Guisey &c. Renewal of patent dated 20 Dec. 1653.

p.520 Patent bk. 5, p.388 (439). Elias Hartery, 600 acs. N’ampton Co., 29 Mar. 1665. ".....& 200 acs. granted to THOMAS WYATT 21 July 1640, assigned to Richd. Smith who assigned to Mitchell Richards & by him assigned to said Hartery.

P.520 Patent bk. 5, p.388 (429). MAJOR WM. WYATT, 1940 acs. New Kent Co., 20 May 1664. NE side of Mattapony River, bounded WNW on land of Richard Barnehouse, NNE &c. includeing the whole marsh, being 850 acs. of land & marsh, thence into the woods adj. said Barnehouse, NNE along his head line &c. to marked beach in Aposcoke Swamp, adj. land of Jno. Cosby &c. 400 acs. granted said WYATT 27 Apr. 1653; 640 acs. granted to Col. Robt. Abtall 19 Mar. 1660 & sold to said WYATT; 450 acs. granted said WYATT 1 Apr. 1661; 350 acs. assigned by Ralph Masey to Tho. Pluckett, who sold to said WYATT, & 100 acs. the residue for trans. of 2 pers.

p.522 Patent bk. 5, p.395 (453). MAJOR WM. WYATT, 300 acs. New Kent Co., 28 June 1664. On NE side of Mattapony River behind his own land, beg. at his own uppermost corner tree, running Ely. &c. adj. land of Mr. Henry Soane, &c. Trans. of 6 pers.

p.523 Patent bk. 5, p.396 (455). Gilbert Metcalfe, of London, Merchant, ".......250 acs. purchased of MR. EDWARD WYATT....

p.534 Patent bk. 5, p.430 (511). ANTHONY WYATT, 282 acs. Chas. City Co., 13 Oct. 1665. Beg. at a poynt between the dry bottome & the deep bottome, running NNW &c. Trans. of 6 pers.

p.537 Patent bk. 5, p.442 (529). EDWARD WYATT, 850 acs. Yorke Co., 3 Sept. 1663. Granted to Jno. Clarke & lately found to escheate &c. & by inquisition dated 15 Oct. 1662 &c.

p.553 Patent bk. 5, p.497 (608). THOMAS WYATT, 500 acs. in Mockjack bay; 9 May 1666. 250 acs. on Eastermost side of Ware River, beg. nere a little poynt (of) Oyster shell, running N &c; & 250 acs. abutting upon the narrow of Ware River &c. unto Cow Creek &c. Granted to RICHARD WYATT, DEC’D. 20 Aug. 1645 & now due said THOMAS, HIS SON & HEIRE.

p.554 Patent bk. 5, p.499 (611). David Williamson, 6000 acs. Accomack Co., 5 Apr. 1666. Trans. of 120 pers: EDWARD WYATT.....

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