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C & P Vol.2



p.144 Patent bk.6, p. 504. Wm. Moore, 400 acs. Nancemond Co., 16 Dec. 1673. Beg. at his own Mills, adj. FRANCIS BENTON, Wm. Ward, & Richd. Winshew; .....

p. 195 Patent bk. 6, p. 676. John Washbourne, 600 acs. Accomack Co. at pakamock; on land formerly Morris Liston’s; bet. WM. BENTON & Mr. hen. Smith; adj. Mr. Amb. White, &c.......


p.239 Patent bk. 7, p.169. EPAPHRODITUS BENTON, 500 acs. in the Up. Par. of Nansemond; upon the Cross SW of Barbacue, 24 Apr. 1682. Beg. at Thomas &c. Trans. of 10 pers.

p. 280 Patent bk. 7, p. 392. John Boyce, 200 acs. in the Up. Par. of Nanzemond; adj. EPAPHRADITUS BENTON; 26 Apr. 1684.

p. 295 Patent bk. 7, p.493. Adam Mekeele, 600 acs. Accomack Co. at Pokamock; on land formerly Morrice Liston’s adj. WILLIAM BENTON; Mr. Henry Smyth; Mr. Ambrose White; & William Benston; 20 Apr. 1686.

p. 314 Patent bk. 7, p. 606. EPAPHRODITUS BENTON, 200 acs. in Up. Par. of Nansemond; on the Cross SW, 21 Oct. 1687. Transp. of 4 pers: Sarah Moody, Jno. Travers, James Robins; Kate a Negro.

p. 402 Patent bk. 8, p. 438. FRANCIS BENTON, 108 acs. Up. Par. of Nansemond Co; on NW side of the S branch of Nansemond River, beg. at mouth of Powell’s Creek; on Widow Hill’s land, &c; 21 Apr. 1695. Imp. of 3 pers: Andrew Brasseur, Richd. Jossey, John Lovegrove.

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