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C & P Vol. 2

Virginia Land Patents & Grants



p. 56 PB 6, p. 218. Tho. Iken, 1350 acs. Warwick Co....14 May 1669. Beg. at the mouth of a creek.....along BREWER’S & Pawle’s land on the side of Bedlam Marsh....


p. 92 PB 6, p.352. Thomas Ludwell, 2994 acs., transp. of 60 pers: JNO. BREWER,

p. 158 PB 6, p. 543. Capt. Southey Littleton, 600 acs. Accomack Co., 8 Oct. 1674. Transp. of 12 pers: JNO. BREWER...

p. 195-6 PB 6, p. 676. Col. Southy Littleton, 2800 acs. Accomack Co., 30 Apr. 1679. Transp. of 26 pers: JNO. BREWER...

p. 257 PB 7, p. 256. ROBERT BREWER, 300 acs., Up. Par. of nanzemund, att King-Sale, 16 Apr. 1683. Beg. in the County Line; to William Collings; & William Gatling, &c. Transp. of 6 pers.

p. 257 PB 7, p. 257. John Brinkly, 250 acs. Up. Par. of Nansinmund Co., 16 Apr. 1683. Transp. of 5 pers: WM. BREWER...

p. 261 PB 7, p. 280. Thomas Cotten, 335 acs. Up. Par. of Surry Co. on NE side of the Otter Dam Sw., 16 Apr. 1683. Transp. of 7 pers: THO. BREWER...

p. 273 PB 7, p. 351. John Forrest, 520 acs. Gloster Co., 20 Apr. 1684. Transp. of 4 pers: WM. BREWER....

p. 311 PB 7, p. 585. Mrs. Alice Harlow, 550 acs. Warwick Co., 21 Oct _____, NE on Warwick River, SW on James River; on SE side of the Common Land, NW on MR. JNO. BREWER; ...

p. 348 PB 8, p. 74. Emanuel Wills, 153 acs. Warwick Co. (no date). W. side of Warwick River; land of BREWAR...

p. 372 PB 8, p. 207. John Clerke, of Rappa Co., 104 acs. in King & Queen Co., 20 Oct. 1691. Adj. land granted .....& land of BREWER-TURNE...

p. 377 PB 8, p. 238. Capt. Wm. Hunt, Jas. City Co., 29 Apr. 1692. Purchased of EDMOND BREWER, 5 Dec. 1681 for 300 acs. more or less.

p. 389 PB 8, p. 344. Richard Taylor, 293 acs. Nansemond Co., on head brs. of Kingsale SW; adj. ROBERT BREWER; 20 Apr. 1694.

p. 390 PB 8, p. 347. Richard Reynolds, of Isle of Wight Co., 720 acs. Nansemond Co.; 20 Apr. 1694. Imp. of 15 pers: ROBERT BREWER...

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