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C & P Vol. 2
p. 143 Patent bk. 6, p. 503. Wm. Watts, 270 acs. New Kent Co., upon brs. of Aquintanocoke SW, adj. land he lives upon, on NE side of Mattopony River; by Cheese Cake Path dividing this & land of MR. CARLETON, along Mr. Holmes’ path; to MAJOR WYATT’S &c; 18 Feb. 1673/4.
p. 145 Patent bk. 6, p. 506. Mr. Phill. Watkins, Tho. Watkins & Wm. Ricketts, 900 acs. New Kent Co., by Mattapony Indian Path &c. 6 Mar. 1673/4. Transp. of 18 pers: AND. CARLTON.....
p. 193 Patent bk. 6, p. 667. Major Andrew Gilsonn, 6710 acs., Staff. Co., 10 Oct. 1678. Transp. of 134 persons: EDWD. CARLTON....
p. 197 Patent bk. 6, p. 681. Humphrey Gwyn, 250 acs. N’ampton Co., N & W upon Nusswartux Creek & S upon land of CAPT. STEPH. CARLETON, 1 May 1679.
p. 198-9 Patent bk. 6, p. 685. Richd. Johnson, 270 acs. New Kent Co. on NE side of Matapony River, on br. of Aquintanacock SW; joyining Wm. Watts’ land that he lives upon, 13 May 1679. Beg. at Chees Cake path, deviding this & land of MR. CARLETON; by Mr. Homes path; to MAJ. WYATT &c. 18 Feb. 1673/4.
p. 267 Patent bk. 7, p. 321. MR. JOHN & RICHARD WYATT, 650 acs. New Kent Co., N. side of Mattopony River, 20 Sept. 1683. Beg. att CHRISTOPHER CARLETON in Mr. Richard Tunstall’s line, to Tymothey Carter; on Mr. William Fleming; to Wm. Henderson; on Mostezouque SW to Apposeconue, 19 Mar. 1660; & granted MAJ. WM. WYATT, 24 May 1654; 10 acs. for transp. of Morgan Rosier.