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C & P VOL. 2
P. 61 Patent bk. 6, p. 246. Richard Lee, 450 acs. Gloster Co., 29 Jan. 1668. Transp of 9 pers:
SARAH INGRAM….p. 82 Patent bk. 6, p. 319. Major John Weire, 522 1/3 acs. In Sittenbourn Par., 8 Oct. 1670. Transp. Of 11 pers:
RALPH INGRAM,,,,,p. 130 Patent bk. 6, p. 469. Humphry Griffin, 200 acs. Nanzemond Co., 2 June 1674. Transp. Of 4 pers:
JNO. INGRAM….p. 188 Patent bk. 6, p. 655. Antho. Buckner, 2506 acs. Staff. Co., 26 Sep. 1678. Transp. Of 50 pers:
MART. INGRAM….p. 314 Patent bk. 7, p. 602. Robt. Woodson, Sr., John Woodson, Sr., Wm. Lewis & Thomas Charles, 470 acs. Henrico Co. Verina Par., 21 Oct. 1687. Transp. Of 10 pers:
ROGER INGRAM….p. 323 Patent bk. 7, p. 654. Richard Leaghton, 638 acs. Rappa. Co., 23 Apr. 1688. Adj. Edward Moseley & Nicholas Francklyn; by Occupacon Run, to Edward Rouzee; on John Williams to Cooke &
INGRAM……p. 339 Patent bk. 8, p. 26. William Jones, 62 acs. Rappa. Co. on S side the river; adj.
TOBIAS INGRAM; 20 Oct. 1689. Imp. Of 2 pers.p. 366 Patent bk. 8, p. 173. Henry Batt, 700 acs. Chas. City Co., 20 Oct. 1691. Adj. James Warendine’s land called High Peake, now in occupation or Mr. Wm. Ditty &
ROBERT INGRAM……Return to Virginia Land Patent Index