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Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants
Edited by Dennis Ray Hudgins
Oct. 15, 1741 - Sept. 5, 1749
p.150. Patent bk. 24, p.69.
RICHARD DENNIS, 740 acs. Amelia Co. on the Lower side of the Middle Seller Creek of Deep Creek; adj. Peter Leath, Bolling [her line] & Vaughan; 20 Sept. 1745. 2#. 340 acs. part thereof formerly granted unto the said RICHARD DENNIS by Letters Patent 13 Oct. 1736 & 400 acs. the residue never before granted.p.288. Patent bk. 27, p.279.
RICHARD DENNIS, 361 acs. Amelia Co., on the upper side of the main Seller Creek of Deep Creek adj. West, John Mays & the Land purchased of West; 25 July 1749. 15 Shill. 235 acs. Part formerly granted to Francis West by patent 17 sept. 1731 (on the Hunting Path in Prince George Co. PB 14, p.357) the Right & Title is since become vested in the said RICHARD DENNIS and 126 acs. the residue never before granted.p.338. Patent bk. 28, p.399. William Chisolm, 400 acs. Amelia Co. bet. the Middle and Lower Seller Forks of Deep Creek, adj.
DENNIS, Leath, & Bolling (her Line); 20 Sept. 1748, 2#.