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Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants
Edited by Dennis Ray Hudgins
Published by the Virginia Genealogical Society
Volume VII
p.33, Patent bk. 35, p. 351. HENRY HARPER, 300 acs. Albemarle
Co. on the heads of brs. Of North Hardware River and under one of the ragged mountains, adj. Colonel Robert Lewis & his own old line. 30 Aug 1763. £1.S10.p. 75. Patent bk. 36, p. 762. 5 June 1765. WILLIAM HARPER,
400 acs. Dinwiddie Co. on the lower side of Tommaheton Creek bet.Lawrence Richardson’s & George Wainwrights Lines, down Beaver Pond Br. £2. Whereas by Patent 22 Sep 1739 granted Francis Poythress [PB 18, p. 366] then in Prince George Co. now Dinwiddie And whereas Tally Allen in whom the Right & Title is since become vested hath failed to make Cultiv. & Improv. And Peter Thomas hath made humble suit and obtained a Grant for the same which he hath assigned to WILLIAM HARPER.p. 116. Patent bk. 37, p. 65. James Buchanan, 290 acs. Albemarle
Co. on Beverdam Cr. Of Hardware River, adj. James Hill & CASTLETON HARPER, 10 Sep 1767. £1.S10p. 121. Patent bk. 37, p. 123. Nathaniel Tatem, 34 acs.
Southampton Co. on the S side of Nottoway River, up the Hornet SW; adj. JOHN HARPER, David Newsom & Nathan Newsom. 10 Sep. 1767. 5 Shill.p. 171. Patent bk. 38, p. 689. ADAM HARPER, 126 acs. Augusta Co. bet. The head of Dry Run and Crab-Apple Waters. 14 July 1769. 15 Shill.
p. 176. Patent bk. 38, p. 744. HENRY HARPER, 400 acs. Albemarle Co. on the North fork of Biscuit Run, adj. Hugh Daughaty; 14 July 1769. £2
p. 177. Patent bk. 38, p. 749. JACOB HARPER, 40 acs. Augusta Co. on a small br. Of Potomack called Buffalo Run; 14 July 1769. 5 Shill.
p. 341. Patent bk. 42, p. 567. Nicholas Cabell, 5176 acs. Amherst Co. on both sides of Buffalo River, and on the S side and joining the Tye River, at Higginbotham’s road, at [Turners] Cr., at Freelands Cr., on the S bank of Raven Cr. At Spencers Road; adj. His own lines, JOHN HARPER, John Nicholas, James Freeland, dec’d, James Martin, Richard Alcock, William Spencer, Thomas Ballowe, & Charles Lavender, dec’d. 5 July 1774. £26.