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Estate of John Peterson Harper,
Elbert County, Georgia
An inventory and valuation of the estate of John P. Harper, deceased taken this 23rd day of October 1801.
15 old hogs @ $4 60.00
14 shoats @ 1.50 21.00
21 head of sheep @ 2.00 42.00
10 cows @ 10.00 100.00
6, 2 yr old do, @ $5.00 30.00
5 goats @ $2.00 10.00
1 bay do, jumper & colt 25.00
1 sorrel horse 60.00
1 bay mare & colt, pleasure, 100 & 30 130.00
1 flax wheel 3.00
1 loom & gear 12.00
1 flax buckle 2.00
30 th, kegg tobacco @ .125 3.75
8 sides & 4 small hides 16.50
1 set of carpenters do 6.25
24 1 yr old do @ $2 48.00
18 pigs 8.00
One pair oxen, cart etc. 85.00
4 steers @ 10.00 40.00
3 yearlings & 1 heifer 14.00
1 gray horse 30.00
1 bay mare, Diler 95.00
1 do do, Dolphin 80.00
3 cotton wheels 3.50
pots, ovens, etc. including kitchen
furniture 21.75
1 lot of cotton cards 3.00
6 sickles 1.50
Hogsheads, bbls etc. 13.00
1 set of cooper’s tools 2.00
1 saw 2.00
6 iron wedges 4.50
1 pr. Iron chains, collars etc. 5.50
bells 1.00
coulter plough 1.25
5 hilling hoes 5.00
6 old hoes @ .25 1.50
1 grindstone 4.00
13 bottles & vials 1.87 ½
1 lot of glass ware 3.25
candlestick & snuffers .37 ½
1 bell metal skillet 4.00
Tongs, shovels, knives, fork box and
so forth 3.50
3 stone jugs 2.50
1 shot gun 6.00
1 lot of pewter 18.75
1 lot of books 10.00
1 lock chain 4.00
2 old saddles 6.00
6 trowels, plow hoes, wood p’s 11.00
10 axes 10.00
3 weeding hoes @ .75 2.25
4 grubbing hoes @ 1.00 4.00
2 looking glasses 3.00
Tea cannister & qt. Tine .50
1 lot of crockery ware 17.50
1 pr. Of sheep shears .50
2 set fire dogs 7.00
1 set candle molds, slate 1.00
2 butter pots 1.00
one rifle 25.00
1 sugar cannister 1.50
2 brushes @ 75, set of money scales 3.25
4 inkstands, two pair of spectacles 2.25
one lot of sundries contained in desk
drawers 3.00
lot shaving apparatus 2.50
1 desk 25.00
nest of trunks 7.00
2 pine tables 1.75
pr of saddle bags, horse whip 6.00
1 bed stead etc. 1.00
3 bee hives 6.00
Extra counterpins, quilts, sheets, etc. 87.00
1 negro man, Peter 400.00
1 do, Bob 400.00
1 do, Joe 400.00
1 negro wench, Kate 160.00
1 do do Grace 300.00
1 negro boy, Gabriel 250.00
1 negro boy, Ponpey 300.00
1 do do, Jude 250.00
1 do Sarah 250.00
1 negro boy, Stephen 200.00
1 do boy, Abraham 150.00
1 do girl, Tiller 100.00
1 do boy, Edmond 25.00
1 negro girl, Jinny 175.00
1 do girl, Amy 100.00
1 do do, Winny 80.00
1 silver watch 20.00
1 walnut table 8.00
2 pine chests 3.50
11 chairs 6.50
sad iron, files, etc. 2.00
1 pr. Of steelyards 2.00
4 feather beds @ $40 160.00
Total amount $5,362.80
18,033 pounds of tobacco at 1.25 459.84
Total amount $5,822.64
Georgia, Elbert County. We do hereby certify that this within schedule contains a true inventory of all the estate of John P. Harper, deceased as shown to us by the executors and the value of the same thereto annexed.
Thos. Cook
William Hightower
N. Hudson
Recorded this inventory of the estate of John P. Harper, this 25th day of March 1802.
W. Higginbotham, C. C. O.
Georgia, Elbert County. Middleton Woods the acting executor for the estate of John P. Harper, deceased, begs leave to report to the court of ordinary to the county aforesaid.
That Mrs. Sally Harper and the underwritten were left executors of the last will and testament of John P. Harper, deceased that they qualified in due form of law at July term last past, since when an inventory has been made of the estate of John P. Harper, the deceased, also an appraisement thereof which are herewith annexed, that as yet no moneys have been received on account of said estate that the sum paid amounts to twenty three dollars eighty nine and one half it being physicians bill and burial expenses.
M. Woods, acting executor
Recorded this return of M. Woods for the estate of John P. Harper, deceased the 25th day of March 1802.
W. Higginbotham, C. C. O.