Return to James Tinsley's Will
Inventory of the Estate of James Tinsley dec’d
Registered Feb 9th 1814
An Inventory and appraisment of the Estate James Tinsley deceased done this 8th February 1814.
Peter a negro man $250, Charly " " $200, Dick $275 725.00
Rachel and her three children, Moriah, Peter, Hophia 550.00
Lewis $350, Mary $200, Joe $200, Lewis the younger $175 925.00
Matilda $150, Sally $300, White blind mare $25 475.00
Bucketaly $50, Speckled Mare $50, 30 hogs $40, 26 geese $10 150.00
16 head of cattle $80, 1 chair & harnefs $30 110.00
2 deer skins and some seed cotton $3, one waggon $40 43.00