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Championships Held:
Intercontinental Championship (pictured above)


Wrestler/Valet: Chyna
Real Name: Joanie Marie Laurer
Legally changed to "Chyna"

Birthday: December 27, 1969
Hometown: Londonderry, New Hampshire

Height & Weight: 5'10" & 180 lbs.

Trained by: Killer Kowalski
Debut: 1996

Previous Gimmicks: "9th Wonder of the World"
Finishing Move: The Pedigree
The Powerbomb

Favorite Moves: Double Handspring Back Elbow Smash
Stiff Forearm.
Press Slam
Cheap Low Blow
Sleeping jawbreaker

Notable Fueds:
The Corporation
D-Generation X
Steve Austin
Mark Henry
Jeff Jarrett
Chris Jericho
Eddie Guerrero