Was Ellen Gould White an ordained Minister in the Seventh-day Advent Church?  Evidence has come to light which shows she was.  The letter from the White estate tries to explain the credentials, but in light of all the other things they have tried to explain, God only knows the truth.  Look for yourself, read the letter, and study the Ministerial certificates below and decide for yourself if EGW was a ordained minister in the Seventh-day Adventist Church.  I picture is worth a thousand words.  If the credentials are an error, as claimed, then it is curious that the same error was repeated several times over the years.

Gary Mayo    Editor    SDA-EGW Historical Society

>William Fagal, Director
>Ellen G. White Estate Branch Office
>Andrews University
>Berrien Springs, MI 49104-1400 USA
>Phone: 616 471-3209
>FAX: 616 471-6166
>Website: www.WhiteEstate.org or www.egwestate.andrews.edu
>E-mail: [email protected]
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Beginning in 1871 the church issued Mrs. White the credentials of an
>ordained minister. Was she therefore ordained? No. How do we know?
>>From two lines of evidence, one coming from some of the credentials
>and the other from Mrs. White herself.
>On at least one of the credentials we have for her, the word "ordained"
>has been carefully struck out, while on others it has not. The difference
>apparently does not indicate a change of status. The word "ordained"
>stands unstruck on her credentials from 1883 and 1887, but it is struck
>out on her 1885 credentials, the one in between the other two.
>In 1909 Mrs. White filled out a General Conference "Biographical
>Information Blank" in her own handwriting. Item 19 asks, "If ordained,
>state when, where, and by whom." On the answer line Mrs. White simply
>inscribed an X. She did the same for Item 26, which asks, "if remarried,
>give date, and to whom." Just as the X for the latter question indicated
>that she had never remarried, the X for Item 19 indicates that she had
>never been ordained.
>So why did the church give her the credentials of an ordained minister?
>Well, what other credentials did they have that they could give her? The
>church has never had "prophetic" or "messenger" credentials, so apparently
>the church gave her its highest credentials without an ordination ceremony
>having been carried out. We can see the awkwardness of the situation in
>the fact that sometimes they crossed out the word "ordained"--they
>recognized that these credentials were not a perfect fit. But in fact she
>needed no church credentials. For more than 25 years prior to 1871 she
>functioned without them.
>By the way, Arthur White included the information about the Biographical
>Information Blank in an article that Spectrum published back in the spring
>of 1972 (Spectrum, Vol. 4, No. 2, p. 8), so Ellen G. White's own testimony
>that she had not been ordained has been available for nearly 30 years. (I
>also included it in a two-part series I wrote for Ministry Magazine in the
>late 1980s.) Within the Ellen G. White Estate, to my knowledge all have
>agreed that Ellen G. White had not been ordained, irrespective of any view
>they might hold on whether ordination for women is appropriate. The three
>documents the White Estate keeps in print to send to people who have
>questions on related issues today all say the same thing on this point:
>Mrs. White herself was never ordained.
>I hope this is helpful. Thank you for writing, and God bless.
>William Fagal, Director
>Ellen G. White Estate Branch Office
>Andrews University
>Berrien Springs, MI 49104-1400 USA
>Phone: 616 471-3209
>FAX: 616 471-6166
>Website: www.WhiteEstate.org or www.egwestate.andrews.edu
>E-mail: [email protected]

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