Facts Education |
FACTS: My name is Johan Larsson and I'm 29
years old. I live in Sweden in a city named Malmoe.I'm
studying at the moment. The main reason for studying is
to get a job at some company in the IT-consulting line. ___________________________________ |
EDUCATION: At the moment I'm studying at Lunds
University in Sweden, in a program called
Systemvetarprogrammet and also parallel with the program
Datalogic. The content of the program is programming in
different languages, human computer interaction,
networks, decision support systems, group dynamics,
business economy.... and much more. The courses in
Datalogic are very technical towards computers in general
and content much programming in Java and other languages.
In June 99 I have my candidate but I probably continue
and take a Master by Christmas 1999. My former educations
is two years in Swedish highschool and courses at nights
to get the right competence for the university. I am also
educated to be a proffesional meat cutter. I did my
military service at the swedish A.A defence. The military
education was ten month long and I now have the title
If you want information about the systemvetarprogram at Lunds University click on the logo. ________________________________________ |